Art Investment

"Return of the Legend". By the 265 th anniversary of the Imperial Porcelain Factory

At the State Pushkin Museum opened the exhibition "Return of the Legend" to mark the 265 anniversary of the Imperial Porcelain Factory

At the State Pushkin Museum (Prechistenka, 12 /2) opened the exhibition "Return of the Legend" (from the private collections of Moscow and St. Petersburg and assembly Heritage Foundation), timed to 265 anniversary of the Imperial Porcelain Factory (in the Soviet era - Leningrad FZ them. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University) - the first porcelain factory in Russia as the time of its foundation, and by a significant contribution to the treasury of the national and world art.

The retrospective section of the exhibition tells about the bright periods of the plant's history since its foundation by the Empress Elizabeth in 1744 to the present day - early and high classicism, Nicholas I and Alexander II epoch, the epoch of Russian Art Nouveau abroad XIX - XX centuries and the post-revolutionary 1920's.

Learn more about the history of the Imperial Porcelain Factory can be read here.

Masterpieces of Russian porcelain are on display including modern copies, which emphasizes the highest level of skill current plant specialists. World-class wizard to recreate famous works of the factory's unique collection of porcelain XVIII - XX centuries, which is now the State Hermitage Museum of porcelain.

large section of the exhibition devoted to modern copyright porcelain. Many of the works of famous artists of the plant - T. Afanasyeva, N. Petrova, Olevskaya, G. Shuliak, S. Sokolov, T. Charin, Yuri Zhukov, LA Tsvetkova and other members of the creative team IPE - are on display in Moscow for the first time that is of interest not only for collectors but also for connoisseurs of art of porcelain.

Throughout the 265-year history of the porcelain factory of the main artists of IPE is constantly turned to the topic of Moscow, trying to capture the beauty and amazing architectural diversity of First Throne. In the works of masters of the plant forever imprinted the image of old Moscow, with its charming narrow streets, palaces and monuments. "Postcard" views of Moscow's imperial decorated vases, ceremonial ceramics, dishes. Individual place was taken by the Kremlin, as well as interpreted interior details of its chambers, which were the basis for many decorative porcelain pieces. The exhibition will feature several exhibits of the "first level" at the Moscow themes. This sets Zamoskvorechie "and" Classics Moscow Galina Shuliak and service "Manege" Olga Belova-Weber.

In 1762, gathering in Moscow for the coronation, Catherine, which would later be called the Great, ordered to select the best porcelain for displaying and selling them in the ancient capital of Russia. So the first time the Imperial Porcelain Factory was in Moscow. Since then, Imperial China was the indispensable attribute of Moscow palaces, government residences, Russian delegation to the courts of Europe and the world.

Nearly two hundred and fifty years the plant manufactured porcelain presentation on special orders for Russian emperors and empresses, first of the Soviet Union and modern Russia. Orders for the manufacture of exclusive products and today continue to come to the factory of the Presidential Administration, Mayor of the city, large corporations. At the exhibition viewers will see a porcelain dish from the presentation dinner services: "Peterhof" (decorated reception of Heads of State in honor of 300 anniversary of St. Petersburg), "Walk in Peterhof" (presented to Vladimir Putin by the Governor of St. Petersburg), "Volga cliff "(made for the summit Russia - EU in Samara).

currently at the Imperial Porcelain Factory (historical name of the plant back in 2005), under the name Imperial Porcelain revive the tradition of creating an elitist china for interior decoration and festive table - a symbol of wealth and prestige, Porcelain Collectors.

As part of the exhibit is scheduled to conduct master classes in painting on porcelain, which can take part exhibition visitors. For collectors and connoisseurs of porcelain pieces will be organized for sale of exclusive porcelain and souvenirs IPE.

Exhibition at the State Pushkin Museum (Prechistenka, 12 /2) is open until March 14, 2010.


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