Exhibition of works by Igor Obrosova
Today, October 6, in the halls of Russia Academy of Fine Arts opens an exhibition of works by Igor Pavlovich Obrosova
Today, October 6, at 17.00 in the halls of Russia Academy of Fine Arts (Prechistenka, 21) opens a major exhibition of works by the painter, active member of Russia Academy of Arts, People's Artist of Russia, laureate of State Prize of the USSR and Russia Igor Pavlovich Obrosova . Creativity of the artist - a bright phenomenon in the art of the twentieth century, the master's works are in collections of domestic and foreign museums or private collections.
artist-thinker, philosopher, constantly speculating about the life and destiny of art, overgrown argues in his work the highest moral, ethical and spiritual values, which he should be lifelong.
exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts is a little known side of the lyrical talent of the artist. Many of the works not previously exhibited, and the viewer will see them first. The exhibition displays works of the author's impressions of travel in Europe - France, Germany, Norway, the nature of which has made an indelible impression on the artist. Rigorous northern landscapes of this country, primeval forests, boundless expanse of water, framed by a ridge of snowy mountains, mysterious beauty of Norway are reflected in the Norwegian loop. Particularly striking impression left visiting the city of Bergen, the birthplace of composer Edvard Grieg, whose portrait is presented in the exhibition. The trip, according to the artist, provided an opportunity to creatively interpret the greatness of the musical fable of the poem "Peer Gynt", to recreate through art two elements - the sound and color.
Cycle European works complement the work on the Moscow - "The Patriarch's Ponds", "Neskuchniy Garden", "Sparrow Hills", etc.
exhibition of works by Igor Obrosova open from 6 to 22 October.
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