Art Investment

Painting of Leonid Milovanova Gallery at Solianke

Today in the gallery at Solianke open exhibition of paintings by Leonid Milovanova “I am writing to Russia”

Today, July 9, in the gallery at the opening exhibition of paintings Solianke Leonid Leonid Milovanova «I am writing to Russia», which will last until July 19.

Creativity Leonid Milovanova accord to the great Goethe, claiming that the artist must love what he writes. It is the love of their native land and the village has identified the theme as one of the main priorities in the works Milovanova.

before the viewer is presented with its Russian Depth rickety houses and fields of wild forest. In the portraits of villagers, the artist reveals something epic, timeless, inherent in the national character in general. For portraits 15 years ago can still be found, young people, but from year to year, people in the portraits are becoming older. Russian village is dying, along with surviving a century old. Therefore, picturesque images, which managed to capture the Leonid Milovanov, have important historical significance. At the same time his art is deeply modern, as well as their creativity, he cries out for help the village, which is being, and Russia.

on the canvas Leonid Milovanova represented people of different ages, characters, social groups of Russian society. Creativity distinguishes the artist deep psychologism. Sometimes, in the undistinguished exterior of the artist reveals the character or mood of the model, creating images filled with spiritual beauty. For several years, the artist works on a cycle of portraits of remarkable people, Muscovites - culture and art.

Topic «the little man», common in the Russian culture, and finds its embodiment in the master ( «Muzhichok with sigaretkoy», «Portrait of an old man »).

Leonid Milovanov develops the best traditions of Russian plenera constantly studying variable nature to the Etude in Tver, Vladimir region, and in the near suburbs. For the first time at the exhibition presented a series of studies to species Savvino-Storozhevsky and New Jerusalem monastery. In landscapes, public-spirited romanticism, there is, as an artist lyubuetsya selected motif. Pictures Milovanova radiate a powerful charge of positive energy, because the motto of his art are the words Polenov : «Art must be happiness and joy ».

About the Author

Leonid Milovanov was born June 9, 1966 in Moscow. In 1990, finished art and graphic department of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. VI Lenin. Degree - a series of portraits of peasants - under the leadership of the People's Artist of the USSR Professor of Painting Vl. Igosheva A.. He taught at the same school at the Department of the drawing.

Since 1990, participants in the Moscow, Russian and international exhibitions. Since 1995, members of professional and creative union of artists and schedules UNESCO International Federation of Artists. Since 1999, a member of the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia.

Lives and works in Moscow, Tver and Vladimir regions.

Artworks are in collections of paintings of Moscow Kremlin, in a number of museums in Russia, in private collections in Russia, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, England, United States, Austria and other countries.

With love to the people ...

(VA Igoshev, People's Artist of USSR, laureate of State Prize. Repin, Professor of Painting)

Pictures of Leonid Milovanova, which clearly reflected his original and creative personality, has always attracted the attention of connoisseurs and lovers of painting.

Back in college years the young artist said to himself as an artist with already existing worldview and understanding of the tasks of Fine Arts, gravitating to the true, life-convincing display of the spiritual world of man and mother nature. In those years he was my pupil, pupil, who can be proud of every teacher!

Living in Moscow, Leonid annually traveled to the creative expedition in Depth, long lived in a village near Vyšný Volochek Tver. These visits, lifestyles and life of Russian peasants, enriching experiences, reflected in his paintings, marked by subtle psychological and gentle poetry.

... Here is an elderly farmer with a large burden - chamfer somewhere at the roadside, barely podsohshey grass, and suddenly in her tired eyes sparkle blesnuli fun, good smile touched the lips: it is forty villages on the fence in two steps from her, and the woman stopped, delays, fearing it frighten away. The painting filled with light, filled with joy, warmth, summer, life.

I was lucky, I have not once seen at the shows surprising penetration, full of love to a simple village man other work of the author's heart good, where in a small holstike written by an elderly woman, pilyaschaya wood have in the yard, a shed . For many years have passed since she was a live his age in his native village. And how many such as this farmer, on the whole of Russia! Perhaps, in this picture is not all quite classically configured, perhaps there are beautifully printed in color, but the years go, but this woman, all I have before my eyes. This product makes me remember the artist, and always remember.

Here «Farmer», written in 1995: a hat with ear otvisshim, hidden, but touching the eyes, gray in the beard and mustache rime, almost eternal Telogreika and gloves ... it is not by accident details - in front of us all he had, all his life difficult. By this way the normal Russian guy simply had nothing to add and it is impossible to remain indifferent.

There is an artist and significant achievements in the Landscape: «Winter in old Vyatka», «Hoar-frost», «Winter sun» and others. In artistic pictures of Russian nature, created by Leonid Milovanova reflected image of the homeland, living in the heart of every person.

Reflections on the works of artist Leonid Milovanova, I often remember the heroes of Fyodor Abramov, Valentin Rasputin, Vasily Belov, Vasily Shukshina, all those whose souls irritate the fate of the Russian hinterland, its inhabitants, both simple and incomprehensibly complex, whose lives are inspired to create genuine masterpieces.


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