Art Investment

Beer ... in a museum!

Today in the Stroganov Palace Russian Museum opens exhibition “Songs with beer”

Today, June 18, in the Stroganov Palace Russian Museum opens exhibition «Songs with beer». The exhibition presents over 60 paintings, drawings, and decorative art XVII - XX centuries from the collections of Russian museums, and historical and ceramic beer bottle stoppers from the brewing company «Baltic».

centuries, beer was a model of Russian artists, was a source of subjects, the prototype of the color and shape. Beer and pans have long produced in Russia as a work of art: it was to please the eye, located conveniently in the hand, look beautiful on the table. Examples include the exposition presented in the buckets and Bratina from the collection of Russian Museum.

specially for the exhibition «Baltika» gave its own collection of decorative and applied arts of the late XIX - early XX century. It includes a unique collection of vintage beer bottles, utensils ancient brewers, as well as one of the largest ceramic collections in Russia Beer hutter-jams, which were produced in Germany, more than 100 years ago and have high artistic value.


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