Art Investment

“Normal civilization” Constantine Zvezdochetova - in the photo ARTinvestment.RU

Yesterday, in the XL Gallery culminated in an exhibition devoted to the new project of Konstantin Zvezdochetova “Normal civilization”

Yesterday XL Gallery completed demonstration project Zvezdochetova «Normal civilization».

Project «Normal civilization» - this is a large-scale attempt to portray the Western world the way it saw «a simple Soviet man». The artist creates a panopticon of images that are associated with the word «abroad», - a citizen of the Soviet Union represented as a place of endless and shameless product abundance, large counters, which is closely at the deficits and the surrounding atmosphere of permissiveness, prostitution, drug addiction, drunk whiskey and cocktails spicy. In general, as stated in the USSR: «remove the pants, let's play in the Americans!» Zagranitsa seemed «paradise», as an emigration was seen as a logical move in a different world.

soft likeness «paradise-abroad» in «simple Soviet person» to be well, or the Baltic seaside resort, which could make love affair with the generous dzhigitami, or at least for travel from Samara to sit Cafe and photographed on the beach with an inflatable - certainly imported - the dolphin. But this paradise, in contrast to this, overseas, was sham, including a palm tree and parrot on it.

And from this «paradise», or, as it was then pointedly «there», as a rule, do not return. Therefore, understanding of the true Eden «simple Soviet man», which was not his uncle, a diplomat or fellow-spiv, could draw well, from official sources such as television «International Panorama», or pictures and caricatures from newspapers and magazines.

This cartoon-based advocacy Stargazer was universal alphabet «normal civilization» - here and Ambassador, and Golf, and Lolita, and Tango Salon, and some really quite incredible Cauchemar «in French manner », - all in a brand-grubby (but actually very labor intensive) style of« early Zvezdochetova ».

However, Stargazer has not been himself, if not laid down in its new project several levels of perception. Exploring the deep consciousness of the Soviet people, in parallel Zvezdochet enters into a dialogue with the history of art, parodiruya American pop art. But if so, uorholovsky and the second-lihtenshteynovsky pop-art cataloged consumer society, zhongliruya commercial images, the Stargazer takes these images and passed through an ideological meat grinder, and is building an all-out installation - the temple of capitalist desire, where all the Super! and Das ist fantastisch!

But it is not going to offend «simple Soviet person». Perhaps he was naive and doverchiv, but by no means alone in the perception of advertising imperatives and values, such as Drink, Smoke, Casino, Bar, Shop Sex. It is funny, but for the vast majority of people in this world and there are signs of «modern society». And, seeing on the outskirts of a dirty Indian villages poster Koka-kola , you think: «Well here, and here are like people - normal civilization!»


Comment visiting the exhibition, Vladimir Bogdanov, AI and Photo can be seen here .

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