Art Investment

In London, opens exhibition of paintings and graphics Miles Davis

The exhibition was organized in honor of 50 anniversary of the famous album, Kind of Blue

1 to 6 June at the London Exchange Court Gallery will host an exhibition which will see the paintings and drawings of the great American jazz horn player Miles Davis (Miles Davis). The works come from the collection of beloved musician, a sculptor Jo Gelbard (Jo Gelbard).

Davis began painting around 1980, when he was already over fifty. In 1984, he met with Gelbard, which at that time was his neighbor. Upon learning that she was an artist, Davis asked her to give him art lessons. Soon they began to create paintings together, as a creative union with time into a love. Gelbard was the last muzoy legendary dzhazista. Among the exhibits in London exhibition - her love letters addressed to Mr. Davis.

Musician mainly created bright poluabstraktnye song. The main inspiration was his love for women. As far as influences from the arts, the first that are in memory of his work - folk art of Africa.

Paintings and drawings by Miles Davis did not appear at the shows. But that does not mean that his art is not known to collectors. Among those whose collections include paintings and graphic works of the great musicians - singers Phil Collins (Phil Collins), Prince (Prince) and Dayena Ross (Diana Ross).

exhibition in the Exchange Court Gallery is organized in honor of 50 anniversary of the famous Davis album Kind of Blue. Many consider this disc greatest jazz album of all times and peoples.

Material prepared Yulia Maksimova, AI

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