Art Investment

“The future depends on you. The new rules ”

Art Project “The future depends on you. The new rules ”, visited seven cities in Russia, returned to Moscow. This evening at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art held a press show

Today, May 28, in the main building of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Petrovka 25) opens a large-scale exhibition project «The future depends on you. The new rules », nominated for the competition prize in the field of contemporary visual arts« Innovation »in nomination« The regional project » .

«The future depends on you. The new rules »is a mobile art project, implemented in 7 cities of Russia: Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Krasnodar. It includes an exhibition of contemporary art, educational programs, an alternative festival of Russian films, meetings with stakeholders - the famous Russian artists and public figures. As a result of the annual regional tour events visited more than 120 000 people and left more than 700 publications in the media, indicating a large public outcry. Project is considered to be one of the most ambitious exhibition of initiatives in the field of contemporary art in Russia for the past 50 years.

educational objective of the project «The future depends on you. The new rules »became the popularization of contemporary art to a wider audience.

works comprising the exhibition are owned by the New Rules. Its director, Pierre-Christian brooches, formed a collection of the project especially for this annual regional tour, taking into account the recommendations of expert art market. Collection of New Rules is a mini-museum of modern art and for ease of reference, systematized in 7 thematic sections: «idea», «Neoklassika», «Parody», «Psychedelia», «revolution», «Sociality» and «body». The author of the concept - the candidate of cultural studies, art critic Valentin Dyakonov.

87 works by contemporary Russian artists during the year traveled through Russia by almost all modes of transport: air, rail, road. The total weight of Exhibits was about 5 tons. Besides the traditional areas of museum, exhibition hall, even was shown at the Novosibirsk airport «Tolmachevo» . And now, having made an annual tour of Russian cities, a collection of New Rules returned to Moscow.

Artists - project participants: Group F , Yuri Albert , Bratkov Sergey , Anna Brooches, Sergei Bugaev (Africa) , Dmitry Gutov , George Guryanov, Dubossarskii Vladimir and Alexander Vinogradov , Constantin Stargazer , Alexei Kallima , Koshlyakov Valeriy , Oleg Kulik , Vladislav Mamyshev (Monroe) , Andrew Monastery , Timur Novikov , Osmolovsky Anatoly , Aidan Salakhova , Paul Peppershteyn , Blue Noses , Olga Chernysheva , Sergei Shekhovtsov (Foam rubber) .

Today, May 28, at 18.00 a press conference and exhibition for the specially invited guests.

May 29, will host the official opening ceremony.

From 30 May to 2 Aug, 2009 exhibition in the MMSI (Petrovka 25) will be open to all comers.

Source : a press release the project «The future depends on you. The new rules »

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