Vasily Sitnikov and his school Gallery Our artists
Tonight Gallery Our artists opens exhibition brings together some 100 works by Vasily Sitnikov
This evening at the gallery «Our artists» Exhibition «Vasily Sitnikov and his school». The exhibition will be presented about 100 works by Vasily Sitnikov from 15 private collections in Moscow, St. Petersburg and London, assembly Moscow Museum of Modern Art and the Museum «Other Art» Museum Center RSUH.
«Vasily Sitnikov and his school» - the first retrospective exhibition of one of the most talented artists of the post-war «non-art», the Moscow underground legend, in 1975, emigrated from Russia. His contemporaries called him «craziness genius», the very identity of this man, «official madman», managed to be creative in a free non-free country, is the cause is still a lot of conflicting opinions, rumors and legends. With its semi-school studio was associated - as a direct apprenticeship or creative contacts - a number of unofficial art masters and prominent contemporary artists: B. ÷ÅÊÓÂÅÒÇ , Yuri Vedernikov , A. Kirtsova , In . Petrov smooth , V. Titov , A. Kharitonov , Vladimir V. Yakovlev etc.
The display shows all the stages of creativity V. Sitnikova - from the earliest sketches, development of artistic technique and the last works the artist created in exile. Early sketches and sketches show how the method Sitnikova born, what they raised and how they were resolved (a synthesis and turnover of form, light and glare location, display the object of «rare» environment, etc.). Being a man of observation and witty, he does not ÐÒÏÐÕÓËÁÌ funny characters or scenes, and has already appeared in an early outline sharzhevye images that in the future is awash with his satirical genres.
Series Sitnikova works depicting the church (monastery) in the field or the field, provides insight into the spatio-philosophical concept of the artist. This theme - one of the key in his creativity, as well as a self (self-selection of Vasily Yakovlevich different periods included in the exhibit).
a separate exhibition hall constitute «learned», from «stretch» and «colorectal» to skillfully executed pieces, valuable as the finished product. The phenomenon of school Sitnikova unique to the Soviet era. By developing its own picturesque way, the artist constantly shtudiroval his own, and together with the number of students. Inseparability of the joint work, is the founder of many independent artists leads to talk about exclusivity Sitnikova teaching talent, and his school considered as an important creative component of his personality.
Some recent work included in the exhibit show Sitnikova art in its pure form, particularly to understand the magnitude of his beautiful talent. «Memories of Moscow» (1975-1977) - work that Vasily Yakovlevich wrote in Austria for three years, is undoubtedly a masterpiece painting.
Tatiana Vendelshteyn: «Mifologichno all in his biography, the miracle of life, which he won in the walls of Kazan psihtyurmy, skomoroshestvo Russian centaur and wisdom, shape or fawn Pan, pursuing its nymphs. But the main thing - the school, created them, alternative educational system, organized in the context of Soviet society, so little suited to her understanding ».
By the opening of a directory, which will be published an article by T. Vendelshteyn of artist's works, as well as memories of artists Kirtsova A. and V. Titov of the years in school Sitnikova.
Exhibition open until 31 July, at: cottage village Borki, 36, 19-km Rublevo Assumption highway, every day from 12.00 to 20.00.
Source: Press Releases galleries «Our artists»
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