Art Investment

“Russian Balagan” in CHA

Today in the Central House of Artists on the Crimean Val opens exhibition Edward Galkina “Russian Balagan”

Today, at 17.00, in Room 14B at the Central House of Artists Exhibition will open Krymsky Val Edward Galkina «Russian Balagan». The exposition will operate until 10 May.

Curve mug nosy, arrogant, sometimes angry, but always charming and funny! «Company» and sign the main character «Russian Balagan» - puppet Petrushka. Eduard Galkin «hold» this hero for a variety of ages, faces a variety of characters - from before Gagarin, from Rasputin to Solzhenitsyn, in a playful and touching way. This scenic rush «naive» and «absurd» have managed to withstand the walls Ryazan Art Museum and the Center for Fine Arts in Lipetsk. Now he fell on the capital's Central House of Artists. And if you're tired of the strained tongue-in-cheek morality and patriotism, but the love of the art game and a provocation, then you will not be bored.


Eduard Galkin - young, but long and successful film artist who has participated in the creation of more than hundreds of different films and television. Among these films «Live», «hero of our time», «Indigo», advertisements for the «Day Watch», clips Alsu groups «Splin» and «Bi-2», and even a lot. The range of works Galkina as kinohudozhnika very broad spectrum in its genre. The same is immense, if you attempt to define a genre, his new pictorial project - a series of works on Russian folklore groups. It is not the number of canvases. The point is that Galkin looks at Russian and Soviet history of the twentieth century in terms of street perception, aesthetic and diluted tragic note of a bygone era ironic intonation.


The main motive of «Russian Balagan» - human desire to realize a just man, with all the pluses and minuses. Image Parsley heterogeneous, but in all its variations is cause to reflect on the compassion that sometimes we do not, or unpleasant. In this painting «Balagan» - liberal tomfoolery, but with the tremulous relationship to the traditions of Russian art.

Under the canvas will not be the signatures and names, but inside the painting is sometimes texts.

Source: Press Releases CHA

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