Art Investment

“Still Life: Still Life

From 15 April to 10 May in the Exhibition Hall “Olivier” project “Factory” Photo exhibition “Still Life: Still Life

From 15 April to 10 May at the International festival «Fashion and Style in Photography 2009» in the exhibition hall «Olivier» project «Factory» (Perevedenovsky trans., 18, gate number 1) the exhibition « Still Life: Still Life & Nature Morte ».

Who lived in there was nothing to ask!
Throughout eternity moves,
involved being Blessed.

hunting trophies, jugs, fruit, roses podvyadshie - seemingly, it is usually associated with the notion of still life. However, in the words of a famous Russian art critic Boris Vippera, «Still Life is not just an art problem, but an entire worldview, and to the extent of its development focus of attention has gradually shifted from complete and perfect still life still lifes by hidden and nerazvivshemusya». Especially interesting to trace the history of the term. It should be noted that the first term stilleven ( Gaulle . - Quiet silent life) has appeared in Holland at the end of XVI century. He emerged in an environment of artists as cruise expression as the desire to convey «melancholy silence, even the string sound of life». Value stilleven, however, as well as German stilleben, and the English still life, a much more neutral and vague than the meaning of the term «Still Life», came to replace him in France, and then get up to Russia. For the first time, nature morte ( fr. - a dead nature) referred to Denis Diderot, and not as a term, but as a turn of speech. The expression that was clearly with the nature brute - not the dead man, a crude, raw, still need to season fantasy, poetic invention, the expression. As a historical development of the genre category, all filled with new content. From household characteristics starogollandskih still life to the research scholars of Romanticism, the interpretation of the landscape to still life Impressionists «real» Painting Cubism, Futurism and Suprematism. Gradually, the still life has become a special art the world.

Thus, the name is called upon only to discipline the line of thought that can capture the apparent contradiction: If life, then do not the dead, as if death is full of infinite strength life.

Still Life, in this case serves as an attempt to symbolically demonstrate the integrity of the ideal world. We kind of stories unfolding in the life of inanimate things at first glance. Trees, grasses, flowers, and normal subjects are very much like people, have their qualities, and possibly defects. The same struggle for existence, conflict or harmony, drama or comedy permission of life situations. They feel the character, a sort of internal foregone called destiny. They're not dead nature, but on the contrary, nature vivante ( fr . - Wildlife).

We are eager to experience new, fresh ideas are waiting for change, while the familiar things can contain a whole hidden worlds. View the artist sees life, where ordinary people will not notice. Life is quiet, laconic, wise, calls us - zri the root. Still life means life to me, «inside», a secret that not everyone is subject to open.

Each of the artists are distinguished by an extraordinary sense of inner freedom and identity. Their work can be safely described as still-life style of philosophical insight.

rightly observed, «in the landscape and rocks begin to speak and the dead nature wakes». These words can be easily attributed to the mysterious still-life Morten Andersen. In his paintings of still life (quiet life), all breathing, living, all filled with subtle and continuing movement permeated the fantastic light and air. Here, in this fantastic place is still roam fancy shadows «great humility» and sincere compassion shine for us the sacred secret signs of the mysterious book of life

Surprisingly lyrical still lifes, Klaus Dieter Gayslera. His objets inanimés (stones) is not cold and motionless, as «light» and «thinking». Their links are complex internal relationships. They are touching charm, delicacy, irony, self-esteem. Closed sosuschestvuya in its harmonious world, they are nevertheless easily enter into a dialogue with the man quietly bringing it to its illusory reality.

can be considered infinitely vyhvachennye fragments of the true nature morte (dead nature) «Bureloma» Igor Chepikova. This is not stiffened dead matter is - the eternal symphony of purposeful aggressive energy of life that can withstand any storm, any disaster and even death. Apparent disorder of the pile messy trailing, spread, mixed roots, trunks, branches and trees, sudden manner suddenly becomes remarkable harmony and a unique sound.

Happy dreaming: how Zhavoronkov flock,
Vsporhnuv his dreams fly to the sky trice;
The whole world opened to him, and hear the language,
spoken and flower dumb thing.

S. Baudelaire «Vosparenie»


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