Art Investment

Boris Nemenskogo Exhibition opens at the Russian Academy of Arts

The exhibit, which includes works by Boris Nemenskogo from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery, the personal and private collections, is retrospective in nature and includes works created in various stages of the creative ways

Yesterday in the halls of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts (Prechistenka, 21) opened an exhibition of works of National Artist of Russia, winner of State Prizes of USSR and Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Arts, Professor of Boris Nemenskogo .

Art of Boris Nemenskogo belongs to the classics of Russian fine art. Many of the artist became a textbook. This applies especially to such paintings as the «mother», «Машенька», «The breath of spring», «Unnamed height», «Land опаленная», etc., based on the impressions of youth, which took place on the roads of the Great Patriotic War.

The exhibition, which includes works from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery, the personal and private collections, is retrospective in nature. Among the works created at different stages of creative ways, well-known paintings are exhibited cycles and pictures: «Parable of dissent», «Here is your son», «truth», «Alien life».

B. Nemensky - creator of the series of portraits of our contemporaries, among them a special place is occupied by a cycle «Generation», devoted to his students. In the artist's works is always a light image of youth, childhood, the theme of women's lives and lyrical landscape with a fine sensitivity to the variability of states of nature.

Experience in scientific and pedagogical activity Nemenskogo B. encompasses more than half a century, under the guidance of the artist act «Center for Continuing Art Education» Department of Education in Moscow. The famous artist gave and gives a lot of time and effort working with teachers of secondary schools, implement new programs and teaching methods for mass education. High levels of this work is reflected in the basic scientific and methodological research, textbooks, programs, benefits. Currently, B. Nemensky is a professor at the Faculty of Arts VGIK.

A sense of deep involvement in the fate of their country, a belief in moral values, spiritual forces of man - the characteristics of art B. Nemenskogo.

Artworks B. Nemenskogo are the property of the largest museums in the country: the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, the many museums in Russia and CIS countries, museums and private collections in many countries - Bulgaria, Germany, Britain, France, Japan, etc. .

Exhibition of works by April 12, 2009.


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