XII Moscow International Art Salon «CHA-2009»
Today at the Central House of Artists was called XII Moscow International Art Salon «CHA-2009»
Today, at the Central House of Artists was called XII Moscow International Art Salon «CHA-2009». Organizers Salon - International Confederation of Unions of Artists and the first time the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of States - members of CIS. Salon «CHA-2009» is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Russian Academy of Arts.
«If childhood spring ...» - the name of the next room - taken from the lyrics of great Spanish poet Miguel de Unamuno:
«I and the day would be, probably,
Do not live in the world,
If childhood spring
In my heart is dead ».
They are relevant in today's volatile, uncontrollable and arbitrary reality. The theme of the origins of creativity, continuity of generations was embodied in the works of young artists, held in the cabin of the priority position.
Salon participate unions artists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Russian Academy of Arts and the Artists' Union Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Salon includes exhibit various galleries, companies and artists. All 19 artists will be represented by unions, 29 projects, 21 associations, 128 of personal authorship exhibits.
Inside involved such artists from the CIS, as Azam Atakhanov (Tajikistan), Medat Kagarov and Inna Vasilieva (Uzbekistan), Bayram Nuryev (Turkmenistan), and young artists, among them the recent interns in U.S. Kerimbekov Boucard and Kulnar Rymbek, as well as diplomnik Surikov Institute Adilet Davletov (Kyrgyzstan).
The concept of the salon - the current trend in the works of artists of different generations. From, for example, the early work of folk artist of USSR, the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts Ephraim Zverkova work to graduates and students of leading universities such as Moscow State Academic Art Institute Surikov (project «Teacher, leave the student!»), Moscow State Art - Industrial University Stroganova (draft «strange garden, we raised the time ...», «Portal»), Nizhny Tagil State Social Pedagogical Academy (project «Vladimir Zuev and his disciples»). The theme of continuity of generations of artists dedicated to the project «In the context of Senezha» - the work of artists who come in 70-80-s of the last century in the house of creativity. The Creative Family Dronovyh Moscow artists - three generations - will present the painting and sculpture.
A distinctive feature of the saloon - the emphasis on the works of young artists, charts, and ceramics, many participants in the exhibition, the winners of various competitions. This is a prizewinner Kandinsky in 2007 Peter Goloschapov, and diploma winners of the All-Russia competition of young artists on the basis of the exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery Sergei Serezhin, Tatiana Titov, Ilia Feklin, winners of the young artists «Freedom of choice» Maxim Smirennomudrensky, Tatiana Batrakova, diplomantka 2-nd European Competition engraving on copper (Parma, Italy), Irina Elagina.
As part of the cabin will be held March 21 «Round Table» on «Current and traditional in the works of young artists from the CIS and Baltic States». Beginning at 12.00.
XII Moscow International Art Salon «CHA-2009» will be open from 20 to 29 March 2009 in CHA (Krymsky Val, 10, Halls 2, 3, 5, 8-18, 21, 22-27) daily from 11.00 to 20.00.
Opening of the Exhibition - March 20, at 17.00, 1 st floor of CHA.
Material prepared Elena Vladimirova
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