Art Investment

Top Plate XXVI Russian Antiquarian Salon

Tomorrow opens CHA XXVI Russian Antique Salon. Organizers are Salon Top List

Tomorrow CHA opens XXVI Russian Antique Salon . Most shops and galleries are ready for the salon beforehand and include in its exposition of the best of what are. Participants XXVI Russian Antiquarian Salon offer with attention to the following exhibits.

Top Plate XXVI Russian Antiquarian Salon

Painting and Graphics

1. Aivazovsky IK Sunset at Sea near Yalta . 1886. Oil on canvas. 47 x 60. Private collection, Moscow.

2. Aivazovsky IK Among the waves . 1895. Oil on canvas. 102 x 157. «Kollektsioner».

3. Volkov AN Spring (Ketmenschiki) . 1917. Paper, watercolor, graphite pencil. 19 x 27. Gallery «Elysium» .

4. Volkov AN Calvary . 1915. Paper, watercolor, graphite pencil. 12 x 15. Gallery «Elysium» .

5. Volkov AN Mountains . 1915. Paper, watercolor, graphite pencil. 13 x 20.5. Gallery «Elysium» .

6. Volkov AN Two flower against the backdrop of the mountains . 1914. Cardboard, oil. 13 x 37.5. Gallery «Elysium» .

7. Volkov E. Forest Road . 1880. Oil on canvas. 143 x 107,5. «Kollektsioner».

8. Voloshin MA (1877-1932). Green Hills . 1930. Paper, watercolor. 21 x 28.3. Antique Salon «Akant».

9. NS Goncharova Italian dancer. Sketch of a costume for the dance «Tarantella» . Late 1930's - early 1940's. Paper, gouache, graphite pencil. 35,5 x 25,3. Gallery «Elysium» .

10. NS Goncharova Still life with flowers and fruits . Late 1920's - early 1930's. Paper, graphite pencil. 50 x 35. Gallery «Elysium» .

11. NS Goncharova (1881-1962). bouquet . 1928. Oil on canvas. 81 x 64.5. LPM Fine Art.

12. Dolgorukov NA (1902-1980). In cafe . 1929. Paper, ink, whitewash. 22,5 x 15,5. Gallery «Russian avant-garde 10-30h».

13. KA Korovin (1861-1939). Paris. Street cafe . 1934. Oil on canvas. 50,3 x 61,2.

14. Levitan I. Glade . Mid-1890's. Cardboard, oil. 25.5 x 33.

15. Levitan I. (1860-1900). riverside . The end of 1880. Cardboard, oil. 19.7 x 33. Private collection, Moscow.

16. Roerich NK (1874-1947). On the way to Shekar Dzong-. 1928. Oil on canvas on cardboard, charcoal, tempera. 30,6 x 40,5. Akademiya hudozhestv.

17. AK Savrasov (1830-1897). Holiday Village . 1881. Oil on canvas. 80,4 x 62,5. Private collection, Moscow.

On 18. Sarian MS on public roads . 1911. Oil on canvas on cardboard, tempera. 67 x 80.5. Private collection, Moscow.

19. Sarian MS The ongoing woman with a jug on her head . 1910. Tempera on canvas. 58 x 89. Private collection, Moscow.

20. Sokoloff P. Hunting the Wolf . Until 1897. Oil on canvas. 22 x 31. «Shining Path».

21. Tyshler AG (1898-1980). sketch design to staging Howard Fast «Thirty silversmiths» Theater in the Soviet Army . 1951. Paper, watercolor, gouache. 25.5 x 68. Gallery «Elysium» .

22. Tyshler AG (1898-1980). sketch design to staging Howard Fast «Thirty silversmiths» Theater in the Soviet Army . 1951. Paper, watercolor, gouache. 25 x 67.8. Gallery «Elysium» .

23. Udaltsova NA Roma . 1945. Oil on canvas. 41,3 x 55,7. Art Division Ltd «AVRORA».

24. Yavlensky AG (1864-1941). Landscape . 1908. Board, oil. 22,5 x 29,5. Galeyev Gallery. LPM Fine Art.

25. Yakovlev AE (1887-1938). Nina Vershinina . 1935. Paper, sanguine. 100 x 150. LPM Fine Art.

Applied art

1. Vases pair «Asters». Russia, St. Petersburg. 1914. IPE. Porcelain, cutting gold. B. - 14 cm Art Division Ltd «AVRORA».

2. Sculpture «Portrait Rakhmaninov». Russia, St. Petersburg. 1915. Studio Carlo Robekki. Bronze. B. - 55 cm Art Division Ltd «AVRORA».

3. The dish with the words «May 1, 1923». 1923. GFZ. Porcelain, nadglazurnaya painting, gilding, tsirovka. 36 x 26.5. Done by order of Robert Wilde. «Shining Path».

4. Vase «Collection Cotton». L. Blak. 1939. LFZ. Murals podglazurnaya and nadglazurnaya. W. - 33.4 cm «Shining Path».

Art of the East

1. Reliquary. Tibet. XIX century. Rock crystal, check gilded frame, precious stones. B. - 34 cm Alexander Dubrovin.

2. Censer. China, Syuande period (1426-1435). Peregorodchataya enamel, gilding, patinirovanie. B. - 38 cm Alexander Dubrovin.

3. Bodhisattva Guanin. China. 1552. Ferrous metal casting. B. - 37 cm Alexander Dubrovin.

4. Dish. Japan. Meiji Period (1869-1912). Master Ipposay. Bronze, alloys, castings, patinirovanie, carving, engraving. AD - 44,5 cm Gallery «Eurasia».


1. Secretaire. The beginning of the XIX century. Russia. Topol, bronze, gilding. «Russian manor».

carpets, tapestries

1. Carpet. Turkmenia. Mary-Teke. 1910. Wool, vorsovoe weaving. 235 x 390. Art de vivre. Antique rugs.

2. Brussels tapestry «History of Moses». 1710. Wool, silk. 650 x 350 cm Signed Van Der Borcht. Boccara Gallery.


1. Books published in 1910-30-s outside of Russia, illustrated by Russian artists Alexander Yakovlev, N. Goncharova, L. Bakst, Boris Grigoriev, Nikolai Roerich, A. Benoit, B. Shuhaevym. «Circle of collectors».

2. Collection «book artist» (Livre d'artiste). Collection of books by Russian writers, published outside the USSR. The first edition of M. Bulgakov, I. Brodsky, A. Galic, S. Dovlatov, Vladimir Nabokov, Boris Pasternak, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. «Circle of collectors».

Source: press release XXVI Russian Antiquarian Salon

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