Art Investment

Modern sculpture in the British Museum

In the British Museum in London opens exhibition of works by contemporary composers «Statuefiliya» (Statuephilia). It will be presented to the sculptural works of such renowned artists as Damien Hurst, Marc Quinn and Antony Gormley

In the British Museum in London, which is stored in the collection of ancient sculptures from around the world, today opens exhibition of works by contemporary composers «Statuefiliya» (Statuephilia). There will be works of famous artists: Demiena Hirst, Marc Quinn and Antony Gormley.

Organizers put the exhibits are not in a separate room, but in different galleries, a number of sculptures, many of which were established several centuries ago. According to them, «as the British Museum is famous for its collection of ancient art, many are unaware that there is also a large number of works of contemporary artists from around the world».

expected that the main exhibits will Marc Quinn sculpture made from a monolithic piece of pure gold , valued at half a million pounds (three million U.S. dollars). The prototype for pyatidesyatikilogrammovogo sculptures became a British top model Kate Moss, which the author of the statue, is a model of modern female beauty. The impressive sculpture Quinn will be the largest gold statue since the time of Ancient Egypt. «Siren», as Quinn calls his work, will take place in a museum next to the Ancient Egyptian and Greek stone beauties.

According to Mark Quinn, he decided to become a sculptor after he came to his childhood in the British Museum, saw the sculptures of winged Assyrian bulls and the head of Pharaoh Ramses.


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