Art Investment

«Those streets» Sergei Chesnokov, Ladyzhenskaya Gallery «CINEMA»

Today Gallery «CINEMA» opens exhibition of works by Sergei Chesnokov urban-Ladyzhenskaya «Those streets»

Personal exhibition Sergei Chesnokov, Ladyzhenskaya, opens today - the first experience of the gallery «CINEMA» with the artist, having over their shoulders already existing creative biography. The greatest success the artist has made in the 1990's. His works are eagerly bought in Moscow and foreign collectors. Held in 1991 with great success in the artist's solo exhibition Morsbroyh German Museum in Leverkusen this highly promoted.

high bar continues to support the artist and the 2000-ies. The next one after the other solo exhibitions in prestigious galleries in Russia and the West clearly shows that the creativity of the artist is not exhausted, that it continues to evolve, remaining, however, has already established a system of coordinates creative. Thus says the artist about their creative work: «For me, the most important components of the picture are the structure and construction works, the rhythm, the internal space. In the art of the most appreciative of the multilayered - ambiguity of the image, the back side, inside, inside, the essence. Organic body ».

All of these features have works included in this exhibition. Clearly, urban nature paintings Chesnokova-Ladyzhenskaya turns a kind of poetic way of the town, where streets and houses become their unique shape, and those people are like people of architectural objects. Man and the City are inseparable in the work of the author, and just as the building is constructed horizontally and vertically, leaving the facades of their depth in the streets, and in the faces of the people visible structural elements, many layers of beautiful, complicated in an unusual texture.

In today's world, where so strong a tendency to destroy, Sergei Chesnokov, Ladyzhenskaya declares creativity as «one of the greatest pleasures». «As a man all his life creating, destructive hate», - he said. Metaphorical cycle Sergei Chesnokov, Ladyzhenskaya «Those streets» in the current political context, suddenly turns extremely important.

Sergei Chesnokov, Ladyzhenskaya - artist, painter and graphic artist. He was born in Moscow on 1 October 1954. He graduated from MIT School of Art in 1983. From 1984 to 1989 he was a member of the Association of young artists and art critics at the Union of Artists (office MOSH). In 1988 he became a founding member of the informal association of creative artists «joint responsibility». From 1990 to 1993, the association has conducted five major exhibitions in Moscow, Hanover and Dusseldorf (Germany). Since 1993, Chesnokov, Ladyzhenskaya - Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia and the International Federation of Artists. Since 1983, engaged in teaching. Lives and works in Moscow.

exhibition «Those streets» will be held until October 10 The gallery «CINEMA» at Big Ржевский trans., 8 (entrance from the street. Molchanovka Low). Gallery Hours: Mon - Fri from 12.00 to 19.00 hours.


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