Art Investment

Artists dreams about the character of London Subway

9 October in the British capital, will open an exhibition devoted to 100 anniversary of the famous red kruglyashka reading Underground

In every major city has a subway, and every subway station - his face and his character. Moscow subway station, we learn of a big red letter «M», Berlin - the letter «U», Paris - for fine florid signs reading Metro or Metropolitain. A red kruglyashok, crossing the blue line from the inscription Underground, began as a symbol of the British capital, as the clock Big Ben, red double-decker buses and black keby.

This year, a sign notes the London subway centennial anniversary. In this case, the city authorities decided to arrange an unusual exhibition. From 9 to 30 October, an exhibition space Rochelle School in the London area Shordich (Shoreditch) will decorate 100 works by a hundred artists, representing a fantasy character on the subway. Reproduction of some works will hang in the subway. Among the participants of the exhibition - well-known British artists Bob & Roberta Smith (Bob & Roberta Smith), Layem Gillik (Liam Gillick), Yinka Shonibare (Yinka Shonibare), Cornelia Parker (Cornelia Parker), Jeremy Deller (Jeremy Deller), and many others.

London Underground has long «friends» with the art. In 1939, for example, the famous artist Man Ray (Man Ray) to set up a subway poster «London Transport», where kruglyashok flies on the night sky, along with the planet Saturn. Posters created for the underground as Graham Sutherland (Graham Sutherland) and Mohoy-Nagy László (László Moholy-Nagy), a famous English painter Paul Nash (Paul Nash) created a design upholstery fabrics for the seats.

Material prepared Yulia Maksimova

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