«Golden Age of Russian Ballet» in Paris
Exhibition for the centenary of the French «Russian Seasons» ballet by Sergei Diaghilev in Paris opened on Tuesday evening
Exhibition for the centenary of the French «Russian Seasons» ballet by Sergei Diaghilev opens in Paris on Tuesday evening. She called the «Golden Age of Russian Ballet» and a famous auction house Sotheby's. In the exhibition hall «Charpentier», located next to the Elysee palace, in the street of St. Honore, presented valuable exhibits relating to the activities of Diaghilev.
At the stand you can see the unique costumes that afflicted Western Europe daring combinations of colors, rare photos, letters to Diaghilev, sketches of the scenery. Under many of the drawings are the signature Benoit , , Picasso and Matisse.
In the halls of the gallery «Charpentier» sounds music by Igor Stravinsky. His «The Rite of Spring» sparked a hundred years ago a tremendous scandal in Paris.
The exhibition is being held in educational purposes. Only a few items will be sold at auction in London. Exhibition «Golden Age of Russian Ballet» was one of the first activities of the wider celebration of the centennial of «Russian Seasons» SP Diaghilev.
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