Art Investment

The results of the Auction № 336

Sold 9 lots, buyers — Moscow, St-Петербург, Yekaterinburg

the Second month of summer we start if not with a record, but it is a working results. During 336-х trades AI Auction, held from 29 June to 3 July, it sold about a third of all the lots put up for auction: 8 of the 20 items included in the main auction selection, and 1 the work of the curatorial part of trading.

In total, all purchased lots have been viewed about 2.5 million times, and the number of bets made on them was close to 150. Average lot price this week has exceeded 240 thousand roubles, and the total revenue for 9 lots sold amounted to almost 2.2 million. Psychologically important mark in 100 thousand roubles crossed a third of all lots sold.

Congratulations to the buyers with wonderful and profitable acquisitions and wish everyone a good weekend!

Next, 337-й catalog of the Auction, as always, will be open for bidding on Monday, July 6, at noon.

You are waiting for the works of Nikolai Krymov, Natalia Goncharova, Konstantin Korovin, Robert Falk, Natalia Nesterova, Francisco Infante, Anatoly Zverev, Timur Novikov and other interesting items.

at the same time opens 23-й auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art". In the directory: Lidia Vitkovskaya, Dima Goryachkin, Ivan Lungin, Denis Mikhailov, Victor Orekhanov, Valery Polienko, Muriel Russo, Andrew the Fishermen, Armand Sirunyan, Ekaterina Sharkova.

take care of yourself and be healthy! Waiting for you at online-торгах of the Auction!


We continue to make paintings and drawings (original and lottery) to our regular weekly auctions. About his desire to put the thing on the auction AI write or call: 7 (495) 632-16-81. Rules of submission for auction AI can show sdes.

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