Art Investment

The future of art-рынка — in the development of specialized applications online-продаж

Sure, the former Christie's specialist Loic Gusie that launched last week app Fair Warning

20 June 2020 the public finally found out what happened and what does one of the most promising art-менеджеров recent years, Swiss loïc Gusle. After the organization of the still unsurpassed record-breaking auction of contemporary art in 2017, which were sold as "the Savior of the world" Leonardo La Vinci, and the total revenue was $786 million, in 2018, Guzie left his position with-главы of the Department of postwar and contemporary art Christie's and vanished in the air. And now, almost two years later, he returned with a new idea, prospects for which are still waiting for their evaluation.

last Saturday became known about the launch of new digital platforms for selling contemporary art — application Fair Warning. The essence and the main difference from the analogues of this application is that access to it will have only a certain number of people, to be offered for sale will be a limited number of items — on one piece of art per week, and the sale will be held in the form of an auction. To maintain the effect of live trades with a maximum share of involvement of all stakeholders and create a sense of excitement and passion, the rates for the tendered work, including telephone and correspondence will not be accepted in advance.

According to information published by the WSJ, once a week a limited number of participants will receive the invitation to bid, the lot price will know only registered members, and the immediate draw of lot will last only a few minutes, while on the exact time of the auction participants will be notified by special notice. Thus, Gusie hopes to follow the famous auction principle, it is easiest described with the phrase "don't slack off, and you will lose". The same principle refers the name of the app — Fair Warning (eng. — "honest last warning"): this phrase is traditionally the auctioneer says before you make the final blow with a hammer during the draw of the lot.

the First work exhibited so up for auction in the week from 28 June, will be a portrait of contemporary canadian artist Steven Shearer called Synthist. Estimate of work will be $180 thousand — $250 thousand, and Gusie expects that the work will be successfully sold, "He writes a couple of paintings per year, so in the secondary market can not find them. I hope this will be sufficient bait." In the case of a successful sale, the owner of the app will get 15% of the attained sum as a Commission to the buyer.

Following the work of Shearer of Gusle plans to exhibit work from his own collection. Such work on the pages of the application will be marked with a special icon. At the initial stage, a screening room, where you can personally see the picture before you purchase, detached garage at the home of Gusle long-Айленде in new-Йорке.

In the case of most screening rooms are equipped in a different room.


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