Art Investment

12-16 August 2019. Curatorial the Auction "Russian classics"

Konstantin Yuon, Boris Kustodiyev, Boris Bessonov, Leonid Turzhansky, Ivan Schultz, Joseph Krachkovsky, Alexey Isupov, Pyotr Konchalovsky. Examination. Curatorial selection. Attractive prices

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Pre-show ten works curator of the auction "Russian classics" is open at the address: Moscow, Gorokhovskiy pereulok, building 7, in the working days from 11:00 to 18:00.

Bets will be accepted online-площадке of the Auction from Monday, August 12, all week. And will end trading on Friday, August 16, 2019, after 12:00.

At the prices. We traditionally do not give the estimate, all prices we always start with $ 100 and installed in the course of trading. But we'll spread the word: this time the organizers of the trade just with passion agreed levels of minimum reserve prices with the owners. So prices will be attractive.

Some explanations for those who will take part in our auction for the first time. Despite the fact that the bidding starts with 100 rubles, each painting has a reserve price below which the owner is not ready to give up. But, as you bet from Monday to Friday, the owners also look at how prices are rising, and by the end of trading sometimes adjust down their reserve price accordingly. This is an important tool to reach a deal at a reasonable market price.

How to use this? Nothing fancy. Just bet who you think is right for yourself. If the rate freeze is far from the price for which the owner is willing to pay a lot, it shows "Reserve price not yet met". It technical. Nothing wrong in it. Key word "yet". It just means that bargaining is now in fact talking with the owner and he has the ability to lower the reserve price. This happens not always, but sometimes. So keep betting what-то the time the reserve is reached and the words will disappear.

And the final Council. To join the bidding in the last minutes before the end. But, if you are our old customer, you to register better in advance during the week. At the same time will be the time to understand how trading online and to avoid overlays. In short, don't wait to register for later.

And good luck in the upcoming auction!

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