Porcelain, the cradle of the revolution and the walrus with binoculars for 10-м auction "Among collectors"
October 4 (Thursday) in the Moscow hotel "national" held an auction "Soviet and post-Soviet author and short-run porcelain and faience. 1917 — early XXI century, as well as rare examples of pre-revolutionary ceramics." In the catalog of 427 lots
Firm "collectors" have prepared a detailed description of the catalog, which offers AI readers.
we Present to your attention the autumn auction "collectors", where art lovers will be offered unique examples of author's porcelain, earthenware and majolica, exhibition and short-run products, special instances, personal instances of sculptors and artists, originating from private collections.
Open an illustrated catalogue of the X (anniversary) auction ceramic workshop school of Society for encouragement of arts, artistic heritage of the Imperial Central Stroganov artistic-промышленного school, State (ex. Imperial, later — Leningrad) porcelain factory. In the section "Early Soviet porcelain and faience of the" where related works created in the pre-war period, offers decorative vases, dishes and plates, chess, sculpture and a series of shapes, made the enterprise the most outstanding sculptors and artists who created the "white gold" of the revolutionary era: N. Ya. Danko, S. V. Chekhonin, R. F. Wilde, B. M. Kustodiev and others Highlight the work of the leading sculptor-фарфориста state porcelain factory put out–LFZ Natalia Yakovlevna Danko, depicting in China large-scale historical events and images of the era of war communism, the NEP, the first five. Creativity is the flagship of Soviet art porcelain, Natalia Danko presented at the auction of the chess "Red and white", decorative inkwell "Lenin. Less political fireworks," the figure of "Maria" from the triptych "the fountain of Bakhchisarai" (based on the poem of A. S. Pushkin); joint with V. V. Kuznetsov's work "Lady with parrot". In the latter, according to M. V. Farmakovsky, "Kuznetsov has a modeling Nude, and N. Danko — concept and the clothes." All offered at the auction decorative items N. J. Danko are catalogue and well-known publications of the Soviet and modern times.
Among the "chekhonadskikh" products on auction are a sugar bowl with floral painting, executed at the State porcelain factory in 1920-е. Work graphics, member of the Association "World of art", the artistic Director of the state porcelain factory put out and the Creator of the style of Soviet porcelain of the first five years of Soviet rule Sergei Vasilyevich Chekhonin will take a worthy place in any private collection of porcelain pre-war period.
Attracted the attention of decorative fruit bowl, decorated with campaign slogan "work and discipline can give bread and cars", created by the head of the painting Studio of the State porcelain factory, R. F. Wilde. Promotional painting made for the "underwear" of the Imperial porcelain factory (the author of the form — A. shpis). In Museum and private collections known to the salad and plate with the same painting published in the famous book of T. N. The Nosovich, I. P. Popova, E. B. Samecki.
Among other works of the Stalinist era, pay attention to the animals 1930-40-х., represented by the works of N. A. Koltsova, T. S. Kuchkina, I. I. Riznich, I. S. Efimova, A. G. Sotnikov, P. M. Kozhin, decorative plates with images of birds (grouse, geese, eagle), made in Dulevo porcelain factory tea set "First of may" (S. V. Chekhonin, M. N. Moss) established for the State (Leningrad) porcelain factory.
a Significant collection of decorative items (plates and dishes), released in the pre-war and early post-war period, Dulevo porcelain factory. For the first time at auction in this volume shows the work of "senior (Kuznetsovsky) generation" artists: V. P. Mysyakina, I. G. Konkova, A. I. Prokhorov, and F. F. Maslov. After the October revolution, they continued to work Dulyovo. Presented as they have developed floral arrangements, and portraits of the leaders on the China (J. V. Stalin, activist and fighter for women's rights Clara Zetkin, party and economic leader Lazar Kaganovich), the image of the pilot-испытателя gfbajdukov.
the Attention of collectors will attract early decorative wares A.V. vorobyevsky. At the March auction "Among collectors" was presented two more teacups "10 years Revolution" hand-painted A.V. Vorob at the state porcelain factory put out–the Lomonosov porcelain factory in 1927 in the Fall we are offering another pre-war sample — decorative vase with floral patterns, made at the Lomonosov porcelain factory in 1937-1939 (lot No. 37). Honored artist of the RSFSR Alexey Vorob went to work at the factory in 1926 and worked here until the end of his life (1992). In may 1946, A.V. Vorob made painted decorative vases with a family portrait (it is also offered in the October auction, lot # 85). Today to find early works of A. V. Vorob — is a great success, even for experienced collectors. By 1950-м he relates the author's decorative plate "Bright patterns" (lot № 128).
After the great Patriotic war in Leningrad, Dulevo and Dmitrov factories of the largest sculptors and painters on porcelain was created significant works of art: decorative vases, dishes, genre figure, a sculptural series of miniature, portraits, reliefs, medals, deserves close attention of collectors. Favorite themes for them became a happy childhood, literature and fairy tales, Soviet sport and ballet (most popular was "Swan lake", "Romeo and Juliet", "the fountain of Bakhchisarai"), the acclaimed theatre productions. One of the leading companies in terms of creating a genre of sculpture are pertinent for the Soviet state topics, from the late. 1940-х. began Dulevo porcelain factory, where he worked such great sculptors as A. D. Brzhezitskaya, N. A. Malysheva, O. P. taiga, P. M. Kozhin, O. M. Bogdanov, G. D. Chechulin, E. I. Gatilov, A. G. Sotnikov and others Their work in porcelain is offered at our auction.
At the auction "Among collectors" is widely represented more porcelain pieces made at the Dmitrov porcelain factory. From the personal collection of N. N. Ganry, J. B., Henrio, I. V. Ganio happen more decorative plates, dishes, vases, constructive and unusual pottery shapes, figures and plaques.
Among other author's works, published in Leningrad, Dulevo, Dmitrov, Pervomayskiy, Krasnodar porcelain factories, Konakovo faience plant VINES-ЛЗФИ,etc.presented at the auction, we note the work of M. P. Cool, B. Ya. Vorobiev, S. M. Orlova, T. V. Andrianova, R. V. lot's, O. S. Artamonova, P. V. Sorokin, L. N. Pavlova-Кошман, A. V. Shakataganai-Потоцкой, O. P. Gagnidze, S. B. Velihova etc.
out of print auction catalogue, published a bibliophile edition.
pre-Auction viewing of lots and reception of absentee bids daily from 11:00 to 19:00 until October 3, inclusive, in the office of the "collectors", located at: Moscow, ul Begovaya, 24 (entrance from the street Jogging)
Tel: 7 (985) 233-07-24; 7 (495) 645-58-88. E-mail: antikvar06@mail.ru.
the Auction will be held: October 04, 2018 in the hotel "national" in the hall "Slavic" at: Moscow, Mokhovaya str., 15/1, p.1. commencement of trading at 18:00. Registration of participants of auction with 17:00.
Source: press-релиз company "Among collectors"
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