Art Investment

Special auction "Metro" will be held simultaneously with 232-м AI Auction June 11-15, 2018

Project — joint. Monday, June 11 regular AI Auction added another 22 lots — selected works from the exhibition "Metro", which made the curators of art-площадки "Outdoor club". The only exhibition that was successfully held in Moscow

the Exhibition "Moscow metro. Look from the XXI century," the curators conceived as a tribute to creators of the best metro in the world. Author — founder of the "Open club" Vadim Ginzburg, and embody it helped curators Natalia Georgadze and Catherine Prokosheva.

Subway — theme is versatile, intuitive and loved by all. Not surprisingly, the artists met with the curators offer with great enthusiasm. Most of the work the authors have prepared especially for this exhibition. 17 of the 22 works selected for the joint auction, was written only a few months ago, in the spring of 2018.

In the joint catalogue online-ауциона "Metro" includes the work of 20 authors: Igor Shelkovsky, Alexander Labas, Constantine Batynkov, the Lion Tabenkina, Pavel Otdelnov, Egor Plotnikov, Clara Galitzine, Irina Starzhenetskaya, Alexander Sitnikov, Olga Grechina, Natalia Sitnikova, Alexander Pankin, Anatoly Zaslavsky, Felix Buch, Natalia Georgadze, Marina Belova and Alexei Politov, Alexander Trifonov, Vyacheslav Vostra, Diana Vouba and Gurgen Petrosyan.

Technically, the auction will be held in the usual buyers of site AI format. Monday 11 June 2018, at noon will be open online-каталог at: In addition to the 20 lots of our regular weekly auction will be posted separately in lot 22 special project, "Metro".

Paintings for sale are in storage ARTinvestment.RU on Gorokhovskii pereulok, 7, so those who didn't get to see them at the exhibition "Open club", can be considered from us (as usual, you must call and make an appointment). But you can bet it will be only on the electronic platform online. So sign up in advance, don't wait for the last moment. Summing up the results of the auction will begin on Friday, June 15, at 12:00. After each bet the auction for a particular lot will be extended by 30 minutes, so the actual completion of the sale depends on the intensity of bargaining.

the fee for the catalogue of the special project "Metro" is the same as in our regular catalog, — 18 %.

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