About the heir to the throne and many other things... in the "literary Fund"
April 19 auction house "Russian enamel" will hold 102-й auction of rare books, autographs, manuscripts, photographs, postcards, and posters. The auction will be exhibited 450 lots, totaling over 20 000 000 rubles
Among the rarities of XVIII century, the organizers celebrate the first mathematics textbook published in Russia, — "Arithmetic, that is to say science cisleithania" Leonty Magnitsky (1703). To the greatest rarities of Peter's time applies a unique set of documents on the conflict between Peter I and tsarevitch Alexey Petrovich, and issues of succession, including "the Charter of the legacy of the throne" (1722), "a Manifesto on the deprivation of the right of succession to the throne of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and the appointment of the heir Tsarevich Peter Petrovich" (1718), "Ad investigation of the case and the court, by order of His Imperial Majesty the Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich..." (1718).
Rare lifetime editions of Russian classics, for example, "Fables in six parts," by I. Krylov (1819), and excellent preservation with a copy of "Woe from wit" by A. Griboyedov (1839), which saved the publishing engraved cover.
Among the many rare maps celebrated primarily unconditional geographical desiderata — complete "Topographical map of the Moscow province" F. F. Schubert (1860).
a Unique instance is burned by the censorship of the book "Henrik Ibsen" (1892) from the library of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich. A resolution of the Committee of Ministers on 19 may 1892, the book was banned. June 12, 1892, she "burned at the Basmanny police house" in the amount of 1 199 copies.
Among the unique autographs of Russian writers, stands out a letter to L. N. Tolstoy to Ober-прокурору A. F. Koni with regards to business in the Senate. Here is a unique instance of Akhmatova "Plantain" with numerous critical autographs-комментариями Ivan Bunin. It is known that the relationship Bunin and Akhmatova for many decades was a difficult and rather unfriendly, both were "following" each other's work and often spoke quite critically, as can be seen in a biased and partial review of Bunin in "Plantain". And the last representing the most serious historical value, can be called a manuscript translations of Anna Akhmatova, which is attached to her letter by S. Shervinsky (1958-1959).
Continuing the theme of rare Museum quality auction organizers mention the rarity from the world of photography. This is one of three surviving in the world photos kexholmsky regiment with image 1 208 (1910)! It is interesting to note that the camera and lens for this picture amounted to a total of 2.4 metres in length and 1.4 metres in width. The camera itself was weighing in at three hundred-четыреста pounds and was set at 12-13-го number of guards. And photocasket for this camera — is a pretty heavy classic sash Windows, weighing two-три pounds.
poster Art is presented in a rare sample of propaganda posters in the first years of Soviet power, published in Moscow, Petersburg, Odessa, Kharkov, Kiev, Minsk, and Yekaterinburg.
cosmonautics Day"Imperia" has prepared a special collection of rare autographs and pictures of K. Tsiolkovsky, S. Korolev, Gagarin and many others.
With all the lots can be found until April 18, 2018 (except Monday) at the pre-auction exhibition at the office of the Auction house "Russian enamel" at the address: Moscow, Nizhny Kislovskiy lane., 6, p.2.
the Auction will take place on April 19 ibid. Start of trading in 19:00.
Tel: 7 495-792-48-92; 7 985-969-77-45; e-mail: info@litfund.ru.
Source: press-релиз the Auction house "Russian enamel"
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