Art Investment

"Orders, medals, insignia of the Russian Empire. The objects of history" in the house "KABINET"

14 APR "KABINET" will hold the next auction on the subject of phaleristics. In the directory — 232 lots. Start bidding at 14:00

Auction No. 24 (100) "Order, medals, insignia of the Russian Empire. The objects of history" — anniversary, the hundredth in the list of the auction house "KABINET". The directory contains lots of various subjects and rates.

Online-каталог auction.

Among the top awards presented in the catalogue, the organizers said neck a gold medal "For useful" (lot 79) and the order of St. Anne 2-й degree with diamonds (lot 80). The importance of these awards was determined by the fact that the Emperor was personally signed decrees on awarding. For special services the nobles were the high degree of order, as merchants and tradesmen — medals for wearing on the neck.

Cultural-историческая value and a beautiful piece of work is distinguished by a unique token (lot 36), issued specifically for the 500-летнему anniversary kind Korsakov, Anatoly Vladimirovich Roman-Корсакова — one of the creators of the famous Generation list kind Korsakov, Roman-Корсаковых and Bandukovych-Корсаковых.

for the First time at the auction house "KABINET" — awards two British soldiers (lots 204 and 205), who fought in the British expeditionary force in Russia, took part in the battles of the First world war in the Caucasus and awarded Russian medals.

Special attention the organizers invite collectors to pay on lot 206. It presents five medals, badge on the cap, record and three photographs belonging to the mechanics of the battleship "Jupiter" Peter, Poncia. "Jupiter" was the first battleship to be used as an icebreaker for posting the English courts on the White sea — a kind of prototype of the Arctic convoys of the Second world war.

Traditionally at the auction house "KABINET" — a big string of photos and documents on the Russian Imperial family. For auction is a rare photo of the Empress Maria Feodorovna with children — Sergei Alexandrovich, and Pavel Alexandrovich and Xenia Alexandrovna (lot 58).

Among the absolute top-лотов — rare chromolithography (items 10-16), illustrating the exploits of the Russian army during the Crimean war of 1853-1856, the Drawings are accompanied by detailed descriptions, published in the "Moscow Gazette" in the chronicle of the fighting.

pre-Auction exhibition will be held from 7 to 14 April, from 11:00 to 19:00 auction house "KABINET" at the address: Moscow, Krymsky Val, 10, CHA, hall № 1 (1-й floor).

the Auction will be held on April 14, 2018. Start of trading in 14:00.

Tel: 7 (499) 238-14-69, e-mail:

Source: press-релиз Auction house "KABINET"

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