Conspiratorial letter of Solzhenitsyn, album Dobuzhinsky and many more in the "literary Fund"
On March 29, the auction house "Russian enamel" will hold 99-й auction devoted to rare books, autographs, postcards and photographs. At the auction will feature over 400 lots for a total of about 20 000 000
a Significant place in the catalog is a rare edition dedicated to the Russian geography and travel. Among Atlas is the "Atlas of the entire Baltic sea with the Finnish and Bothnia gulfs" A. I. Nagaev (1757). Most bibliographers attribute the Atlas to the category of great rarities, and N. Berezin writes of him as "a great rarity, is not known Copikova or Smirdin".
["very rare not known nor Copikova or Smirdin..."] Nagaev, A. I. Atlas of the entire Baltic sea with the Finnish and Bothnia gulfs, with Skier-раком, Catagator, Sund and Bellamy in the General marine and special maps consisting of: In which all the Baltic sea works, sea charts collected considered and the Russian Plateliai true between seats compass points and distance given, measured over space, sea and off the coast the depths and found the same underwater shoals supplemented; and the sine of the Finnish marine coast with the Islands, sherami, raids, inlets, ports and river mouths, with depths in them, and between the archipelago sea fairways, with many newly discovered shoals, a possession of her pulse. Majesty made a... SPb.: In Type. The Gentry Sea Cadet Corps, 1757.
S., 28 graves. cards. with large vignette. 61,5 x 43,5 cm
the literary Fund. 29 Mar 2018. Lot 1
Estimate: 850 000-900 000.
litfund.ruAmong this kind of publications can be noted "Journey to the lake" and "the Journey of the academician N. Ozeretskovskaya on the lakes Ladoga, Onega and Ilmen around the" — instance from the collection of the famous bibliophile of St. Petersburg V. A. Krylov, luxurious podnosnogo copy "Notes of captain of the fleet rikord on his voyage to the Japanese shores in 1812 and 1813, and on communication with the Japanese" (1816), a beautiful tray autographed copy of the book "the Island of Osel, Ahrensburg and its attractions" (1881), podnosnogo copy of the "Guide to the great Siberian railway" and more.
Of unique handwritten items presented at the auction, the organizers of the auction, allocate a personal notebook Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, with his working sketches, reflections, sketches and portraits, gifted to a friend, the artist C. the Preface, as well as autograph poems of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva from the series "the Fathers", dated 1935 and written in the South of France.
the Best collections of Russian decent, according to the auction house, set of the magazine a beautiful life "Capital and estate" in publishing the conveyance of the envelopes, a rare edition of the Russian avant-garde "Milk of mares" with A. A. Ekster, Velimir Khlebnikov, A. Kruchenykh, V. Mayakovsky, etc., a copy of the "Doubles" Hoffmann, hand-painted artist A. Y. Golovin, a collection of poems S. Esenina "My way", released in Paris in 1926 and noted in the bibliography of the poet as an exceptional rarity, the first book of Ilf and Petrov "the Twelve chairs" with the autograph of one of the writers, rare Mayakovsky's book "Children" with drawings by D. Shterenberg, and other rarities.
the auction will feature a book section devoted to the world day of theatre, and string prepared for 100-летию since the birth of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. In the last ofother collectors will find the unique early photograph of Solzhenitsyn with the autograph "From the kids. February 41", and the archives of secret letters, addressed to a secret assistant in the literary and personal Affairs M. Schaefer.
With all the lots will be displayed until March 29, 2018 (except Sunday and Monday) at the pre-auction exhibition at the office of the Auction house "Russian enamel" at the address: Moscow, Nizhny Kislovskiy lane., 6, p.2.
the Auction will be held on March 29. Start of trading in 19:00.
Phones: 7 495.792.48.92; 7 985.969.77.45; e-mail:
Source: press-релиз the Auction house "Russian enamel"
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