Art Investment

The desideratum of the NLR at the auction "Russian enamel»

24 Feb "KABINET" will hold an auction of rare books, manuscripts, autographs, photographs, posters, maps and postcards, totaling more than 15 000 000 rubles

Online-каталог auction.

Among the rarest lots of the auction organizers note bilingual edition of "Chigirinsky urbanist-певец (Kobzar)" T. G. Shevchenko (St. Petersburg, 1867). The edition is known in two variants: only Ukrainian with parallel text in two languages — Russian and Ukrainian. Both versions are extremely rare. Presented at the auction more rare bilingual edition listed in the desideratum of the Russian National library. Sales of the bilingual publication on the Russian auctions were recorded.

Ukrainian theme continues and a rare album of lithographs with views of Kyiv, created from nature by academician G. F. Vanicek (М.; Paris, 1858-1859). The album is an absolute rarity and is also included in the desideratum of the NLR.

To unique editions belongs confiscated the debut collection of the poet Benedict Livshits with his autograph, addressed to the husband of the artist Alexandra Exter, "the Flute of Marsyas. The first book of poetry" (Kiev, 1911). Sending an instance of V. Bryusov, Livshits wrote: "...the book is mine confiscated for blasphemy, and I was denied the opportunity to send its logs for review".

the Museum Truly is valuable Tomsk edition of the "futurists ' journal" with the participation of Burliuk, Vasily Kamensky, Vladimir Mayakovsky, printed in the Printing of the Diocesan fraternity of the city of Tomsk in 1919. Sales of the Tomsk newspaper is also not fixed.

"Fourteen drawings Ukrainian ABC" G. Narbut (SPb., 1921) in the collection preservation can decorate any discerning private collection of rare books. And without that rare edition of the Committee of promotion of art books, it has become not find after the flood of 23 September 1924, when the remaining part of the Committee's circulation was flushed, what has the act in the archival documents.

the Subject of epistolary heritage are truly Museum quality can be called a handwritten note Stalin addressed his "projectionist", the Chairman of the Committee on cinematography Affairs at SNK of the USSR Ivan G. Bolshakova (M., 1940). On one side of a sheet with a blue pencil it is written: "T. Bolshakova. In my opinion, the scenario can go, although it would be possible to make it better. The end (the whole!) on the death of Kirov must be discarded (see text). I. St.".

in addition, the auction features rare autographs of L. Tolstoy, M. Kuzmin, M. Gorky. B. Savinkov, K. Balmont, I. Ehrenburg, A. Akhmatova, I. Bunin, S. Eisenstein, A. Remizov and others.

pre-Auction exhibition is open until February 23, 2018, except Sunday and Monday, in the office of the Auction house "Russian enamel": the Lower Kislovsky lane, 6, p. 2.

the Auction will be held on February 24 ibid. Auction start at 19:00.

.: 7 495.792.48.92; 7 985.969.77.45; e-mail:

Source: press-релиз the Auction house "Russian enamel"

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