Art Investment

January rarity in the "literary Fund"

24 Jan auction house "Russian enamel" will hold its first in 2018 the auction catalog which will be presented to 440 lots of rare books, autographs, photographs, postcards and posters

Online-каталог auction.

Among the rare editions of the XIX century it is possible to allocate a convolute of five comedies of Prince Alexander Shakhovsky, arising from the collection of V. V. Rozanov: "the Lesson to coquettes, or Lipetsk water", "Pwctoday", "my Own family, or Married bride", "Lomonosov, or Recruit a poet" and "a Cockatoo, or a consequence of the lesson to coquettes". For the first time at auction in Russia will be represented by a complete set of the book "the Darling of the spirits, a true incident during the Portuguese revolution, taken from the notes of the Iron Mask" (1820). One of the top-лотов trading — the first edition of "History of little Russia, since the accession thereof to the Russian state under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich..." D. N. Bantysh-Каменского (1822). From the collection of Konstantin Bestuzhev-Рюмина, nephew of the executed Decembrist Mikhail Bestuzhev, there is a copy of the first edition of the poem "the fountain of Bakhchisarai" by Alexander Pushkin (1824).

Definitely a rare desideratum of many private Russian collections — such as complete "description of Kirghiz-казачьих or Kirghiz-кайсацких hordes and steppes" A. Levshin (1832), "of Archimedes, the two books on sphere and cylinder" (1823), the only separately published work of Lobachevsky in algebra "Algebra, or Calculation ending" (1834), "a Collection of ninety-eight engraved on steel types for a panorama of St. Petersburg" Alexander Bashutsky (1834), "the Notebook of love. An essay is required for anyone wanting to have success among the fair sex..." with great poetic autograph N. Field and handwritten remarks P. Pekarsky, a copy of the "Yearbook of the Imperial theatres", which belonged to the Heir Tsarevich George Alexandrovich (1898), a guest book, His Imperial Highness the most Serene Prince George Romanovsky, Duke of Leuchtenberg, containing about a thousand autographs of diplomats, artists and politicians, representatives of famous Russian and European last names, and many others.

From the books of first third of XX century, attracts attention, you can mark a collection of poetry Latvian avant-gardist A. Replica "Naive with a hand grenade" with a detailed poetic autograph, as well as the study of Professor Gerling "a Man should not marry".

an Interesting collection of rare books and manuscripts of the second half of the twentieth century. Among them the typewritten copy of the "Poem without a hero" by Anna Akhmatova, a gift to Mikhail Zenkevich, as well as manuscripts of translations of the great poetess. For auction are several manuscripts of Yuri Annenkov, among which is the draft manuscript of his article "Marc Chagall".

Extremely interesting autographs of Joseph Brodsky, among which a detailed signature on the typewritten translation of the poem don John Storm: "His Excellency the counter-адмиралу Mikhail Glinka with all my admiration of His servant [with all my admiration for His servant] Joseph", and a personal copy of the book "In England" — one of the rarest (edition of 60 copies) of books by Joseph Brodsky. Under-painted edition of the autograph: "note the output from I. B." and a dotted line stretching from the numerals "37" to "... released may 24, 1977," birthday Brodsky, who was executed in the year 37, —, this figure was the number of the instance that brought himpublishers.

a Unique series of autographs of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, among which in the first place to highlight the working materials for the book "August of the fourteenth". Here "application form peracetates", directed by the author to historian V. Glinka, and his response to it. Solzhenitsyn praised this form. In the same lot presented his letter, where he writes: "let me thank You for the feedback about my "August"! Value comments Your opinion is superior to anything that I heard from someone-либо forty "parochially"...".

Pay attention to itself and a series of autographs, and autographic drawings, the writer Sergei Dovlatov. So, in his book "the Reserve," he left the following entry: "Great-power chauvinist V. E. Maximov from rootless cosmopolitans Dovlatov — with respect and in memory of loved places. S. D.".

With all the lots can be found until 23 January 2018, at the pre-auction exhibition at the office of the Auction house "Antiquarium" (Nizhny Kislovskiy lane., 6, p. 2) in all days except Sunday and Monday.

the Auction will be held on January 24 ibid. Start of trading in 19:00.

.: 7 495.792.48.92; 7 985.969.77.45; e-mail:

Source: press-релиз the Auction house "Russian enamel"

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