Art Investment

From "Mirgorod" to "Duck's nest" at the auction "KABINET" on March 16

In the catalog 49-го auction of rare books, manuscripts, autographs, photographs and postcards presents the 340 lots for a total of about 35 million rubles. Pre-auction exhibition is open

Online-каталог auction.

One of the top-лотов is a rare instance of "Mirgorod" N. Gogol preserving both printed covers, published in 1835. In the same auction is represented and the second book "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka. The story, published by the beekeeper Rudim Panicum" (1832). Among lifetime editions of Russian classics is also the first part of "a hero of our time" by Mikhail Lermontov (1841).

an Interesting collection of rare books "ukrainika", among which "History of little Russia" Bantysh D.-Каменского (1830), "Ukrainian ringtones" N. Markevich (1831), "Ukrainian songs" by M. Maksimovic (1834) and other rare books on the history of Ukraine.

the book of Russian avant-garde is represented by such rare editions as "6 lithographs by Goncharova for poetry Churilina", "Duck's nest... of bad words...", "Ryav! Gloves", "Vintage love. Bukh Losiny", "Abstruse kniga".

Among the rare autographs and manuscripts presents inscripti S. Gorodetsky, B. Pilnyak, I. Zdanevich, K. Paustovsky, A. Akhmatova, I. Babel, I. Bunin, Brodsky and others

a Wonderful composition a selection of books on Russian genealogy and cooking.

With all the lots can be found on producciones exhibition in office of the Auction house "Antiquarium" (Moscow, Nizhny Kislovskiy lane., 6, p. 2) from 9 to 15 Mar (every day except Sunday and Monday, from 11 to 20 hours).

the Auction will be held on March 16 ibid. Start of trading in 19:00.

Phone 7 495.792.48.92; 7 985.969.77.45; e-mail:; catalog and online-аукционе through the system Bidspirit:

Source: press-релиз the Auction house "Russian enamel"

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