From Konstantin Korovin to Sergei Parajanov
Auction house "Russian enamel" will hold on 18 February of the next auction of fine and decorative-прикладного art, books, magazines, and catalogues on art. In the catalogue of the auction of about 300 lots totaling more than 25 000 000 rubles
Traditionally, the time range of works is very wide — XVIII–XX century, the most famous names of Russian art.
the period of the XVIIIth — first half of the nineteenth century marked the names of such engravers as I. A. Sokolov, G. I. Skorodumov, F. I. Jordan, and I. P. Pozhalostin. Among works of this time, made in the original techniques, is of interest watercolour K. I. Coleman "Street vendor" as well as a Suite of five watercolors with views of Moscow from the collection of the princes, V. E. and E. V. Golitsyn.
a Unique lot in the "old" art is a set of four medals obscene "Poslovima" ataman M. I. Platov. Lot is a rarity. Besides the auction, there are only two sets of these medals, one of which is kept in the State historical Museum.
Section the second half of the XIX — beginning of the twentieth century is represented by graphic sheets from the collection of the famous collector I. V. Kachurina: among them are works by V. D. Orlovsky, A. F. Afanasiev, M. H. Aladzhalova, F. S. Bogorodsky. With them side by side working oil L. F. Lagorio, N. Kasatkina, A. S. Stepanov, V. N. Baksheeva, K. I. Gorbatov, as well as such famous graphics masters as N. N. Gritsenko, I. N. Zankovskaya, A. E. Arkhipov, S. A. Vinogradov, F. A. Malyavin, A. P. Ostroumova-Лебедева, G. K. Lukomsky, N. S. Goncharova, M. A. Voloshin.
Top-лотом auction was a design by Konstantin Korovin "In the mountains", created by the artist in 1900-х — 1910-х years, during his work for the Imperial theatres. The picture was presented by the master student Boris Ioganson almost a century did not leave the artist's Studio, where he was handed over to the auction house "Russian enamel" heirs of Boris Vladimirovich and his wife Nina Alexandrovna.
Art 1920-50-х years are widely represented in the auction as Soviet artists (A. V. Fonvizin, I. A. Malyutin, N. N. The Kupreyanov, V. A.'s Milashevsky, N. P. Ulyanov, N. A. Tyrsa, P. N. Krylov, B. Johansson, K. I. Rudakov, and A. F. Pakhomov, D. I. Mitrokhin, V. E. Tatlin, T. A. Mavrina, A. A. Labas, and S. V. Gerasimov) and artists-эмигрантами (S. F. Kolesnikov, A. N. Benoit, S. Yu Sudeikin, A. V. Isupov, Y. P. Annenkov, G. K. Artemov, Paul Mack).
is Not deprived of attention of the artists-шестидесятники. From the auction to the auction of interest to their creativity increases. Collectors can see and buy at the upcoming auction the works of such masters as B. P. Sveshnikov, A. V. Kharitonov, E. G. Mikhnov-Войтенко, V. A. Kamensky, E. I. Chubarov, B. V. Yankilevsky, E. L. Kropivnitsky, I. V. Voroshilov, E. S. Kurochkin, E. I. Unknown, M. M. Shemyakin.
Three photo collage by S. I. Paradzhanov are undoubted gems of the auction. Rarely appearing in the sale, one of the world's most famous filmmakers and are a real find for collectors.
In the upcoming auction of icons and decorative-прикладное art is represented is wider than usual. Among the interesting lots in this section I want to note "icon the Holy prophet Elijah and Saint Peter of Murom" and "the Lord Pantocrator" in the silver cigarette case "the Nugget" and a vase with decorativeimages of ancient figures of the company I. Khlebnikov, notebooks desktop compositions "Boyarin-глашатай" and "Sagittarius in the night's watch" of the firm P. Ovchinnikova.
With all the lots can be found on producciones exhibition in office of the Auction house "Antiquarium" (Moscow, Nizhny Kislovskiy lane., 6, p. 2) to 17 Feb (every day except Sunday and Monday, from 11 to 20 hours).
the Auction will take place on February 18 ibid. Auction start at 19:00. Gathering of the guests 18:00.
.: 7 495.792.48.92; 7 985.969.77.45; e-mail:; catalog and online-аукционе through the system Bidspirit:
Source: press-релиз the Auction house "Russian enamel"
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