Art Investment

From Mikhail Nesterov to Anatoly Zverev at the auction "Russian enamel"

17 Dec "Cabinet" will hold its second auction of paintings, drawings, objects of applied art, books and catalogues on art. Collection auction includes over 400 lots — from the engravings of the XVIII–XIX centuries, works by artists-шестидесятников — totaling more than 40 000 000

Online-каталог auction.

Section of prints will delight lovers of leaves of the most prominent Russian and European engravers, such as G. F. Schmidt, D. G. Gerasimov, G. I. Skorodumov, А.-Х. The Own, И.-Г. Klauber, E. O. Skotnikov, N. S. Krylov, A. V. Tyranov and others. Their performance appears to us a gallery of portraits of the Russian emperors Paul I, Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander II and count N. Esterhazy, count N. Panin, count S. Vorontsov.

the genre of works on the theme of the war of 1812 draw attention to themselves "Farewell Russian Parisian" drawing by K. Verne, rare sheet "giving thanks to Almighty God" of the original. d. O. Atkinson — scene received the news of the victory over Napoleon in the battle of Leipzig — "battle of the Nations" and "the Thanksgiving of the allied armies in Paris on 10 April 1814" on the original drawing by Moreau the Younger.

the Organisers draw attention to three works by Mikhail Nesterov, two sheets with drawings of the Byzantine mosaics and the "Holy virgin" for the Church of the intercession of the virgin Mary Marfo-Мариинской abode, pencil sketch of "the Model" by V. A. Serov and "View of Sorrento" Korin from the collection of the national artist of the USSR Xenia Georgievna Darginskoy. Artists of the late XIX — early twentieth century represented by the works of P. N. Georgian I. S. Goryushkin-Сорокопудова, A. Stepanov, F. A. Malyavin, L. V. Turzhansky, V. K. Lebedev, K. Yuon, A. A. Kharlamov.

Widely presented in the catalog of paintings and graphic works of art 1920-30-х years, as remaining in Russia, and who went into exile. Among them are the works of such outstanding masters as N. A. Tyrsa, D. P. Shterenberg, A. P. Ostroumova-Лебедева, D. I. Mitrokhin, and S. V. Chekhonin, A. E. Yakovlev, A. V. Lentulov, K. I. Rudakov. Particularly interesting are "Portrait of Gustav Antonovich cook", a famous Soviet engineer, belonging to the hand of B. M. Kustodiev, V. V. watercolor Christmas "magpies. On the lake" from the collection of M. I. Barsukov, one of the main organizers of Soviet public health, as well as three works of Andre Lanskoy, one of the most famous Russian-французских abstract.

the war years and the postwar decade representedworks of such masters as p. P. Sokolov-Скаля, Kukryniksy, Boris Efimov, G. G. Nissky, VI Shukhaiev, V. E. Tatlin, Konstantin Kuznetsov.

N. E. Vechtomov, A. Tyshler, D. P. Plavinsky, Rukhin, E. L., E. I. Chubarov, A. T. Zverev, V. A. Sidur, V. V. Kalinin, L. E. Kropiwnicki — here is a partial list of the masters of "unofficial" art, graphics and paintings which can be purchased on the auction.

In a small section of decorative-прикладного art attract the attention of chess "industry and agriculture", created at the Dmitrov porcelain factory sculptor E. I. Tripolsky, — rare sample of propaganda porcelain, where the black pieces represented the industry and the white — agriculture. The sculpture "Papanin with Laika Fun on the ice" — interesting example of Soviet porcelain figurines created by N. I Danko, one of the most famous artists of the Leningrad porcelain factory.

In the book section of the auction includes exhibition catalogues, monographs of artists, letter relative of V. A. Serov, the manuscript of poetic impromptus A. T. Zvereva.

With all the lots can be found on producciones the exhibition opened in the office of the Auction house "Antiquarium" (Moscow, Nizhny Kislovskiy lane., 6, p. 2) to 16 Dec (every day except Sunday and Monday, from 11 to 20 hours).

the Auction will take place on December 17 ibid. Start of trading in 19:00.

.: 7 495.792.48.92; 7 985.969.77.45; e-mail:

Catalog and online-аукционе through the system Bidspirit:

Source: press-релиз the Auction house "Russian enamel"

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