Art Investment

"He could be a doctor, but became a pain..."

Archive Venedikt Erofeev at the auction "Russian enamel"

November 24, in Moscow the Auction house "Russian enamel" held an auction, which presents an archive of the famous writer Venedikt Erofeev. More than 20 lots of files, with numerous autographs Erofeeva, memories of him close friends and relatives, Russian and foreign editions of his famous poem "Moscow — males", personal belongings of the writer, and books from his library.

Online-каталог auction.

Among the unique materials that celebrate the meeting, — autographs Venedikt Erofeev, addressed to close friends, Notepad phone book with numbers of his famous friends and fellow writers, the manuscript of the novel "the Gospel" and other works Erofeeva, more than 40 editions of the poem "Moscow — end of the line" in different languages, a subscription to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", filled with hand Erofeeva, his "talking notes" left at the time when he had surgery on throat and can communicate with the outside world only by paper and pen. One of these sheets starts with the words: "Now with such a hangover that barely made it to the door...".

From the personal belongings of the writer the auction features a glass holder and spoon, which he used until his last days, as well as copies of his passport and work record.

a Separate and unique lot is known to a narrow circle of admirers of talent of the writer of the "Book of Saturn" — diary, who was the second wife Galina Erofeeva Nosova, committed suicide a few years after the death of the Switches. This particular diary with the mysterious numerological records have yet to explore the literary critics and fans of the writer. In the second part of the diary that was kept by mother Galina Nasal Claudia hornbeam written handwritten memories of the last about the life of Benedict and Galina, which shed light on many facts of the life and work of Erofeev. On the pages of the diary written memories of days spent together, the hopes and disappointments, fear of disease and the inevitable end: "He felt that it creeps terrible incurable disease. This disease will Rob him of his wonderful voice, and later life...".

All bids submitted 346 lots, including a rare lifetime editions of Russian classics of the XIX century, the autographs of famous writers and poets, photographs, postcards and posters. Undoubted interest of the collectors will cause a detailed autograph Mikhail Bulgakov "Diaboliad", 22 letters of the artist Mikhail Nesterov, the autograph of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, letters of Elijah and Cyril Zdanevicha, business cards, artist N. Roerich, writer A.White and the famous singer Fyodor Chaliapin.

With all the lots can be found on producciones the exhibition, open until November 23 (every day except Sunday and Monday, from 11 to 20 hours) in the office of the Auction house "Antiquarium" (Moscow, Nizhny Kislovskiy lane., 6, p. 2).

the Auction will be held on November 24 ibid. Auction start at 19:00. Gathering of the guests 18:00.

.: 7 495.792.48.92; 7 985.969.77.45; e-mail:; catalog and online-аукционе through the system Bidspirit:

Source: press-релиз the auction house "Russian enamel"

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