Art Investment

Open 154-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — is a collection of twelve paintings, the seven original sheets and a small porcelain figure

Open 154-е trading electronic trading platform "AI Auction".

Contrary to popular winter weather outside the window, a big part of our new landscape collection made up of solar, summer, mostly inspired by the beauty of the Crimea, Greece and Italy.

the First in a series of such landscapes stands warm like the sun bleached gouache "Delos. Ruins" (1920-1924) of the work of the grandson of Ivan Aivazovsky, a wonderful landscape painter of the Cimmerian school Mikhail latri Pelopidovich. In 1920, with the first wave of Russian emigration Mikhail latri left Crimea and settled in Greece, where he lived until 1924. At the new location, the artist led a rich life — led the Royal ceramic factory in Athens, participated in archaeological excavations of the ancient cities of Delos and Mykonos, during which the fresh, natural impressions, probably, and was created by our thoroughly detailed and very atmospheric.

a couple of years later the native latry region became a source of inspiration for the student of A. E. Arkhipov and K. A. Korovin, artist Alexander Vasilyevich Shevchenko, whose picturesque etude "Crimea" (1926) presented at our 154-х auction. It is known that Shevchenko was in Crimea only once — in 1926, in the village Otuzy (now shchebetovka) near Feodosiya. Probably were written at our landscape — full-scale study executed in the technician "a la prima" to the primed plywood short, expressive and textured brush strokes of the foreground, combined with a calm smooth manner of applying paint to the background.

Another form of the Crimea — small essay "New Light" (mid 1950-х) landscapes Rostislav Nikolayevich Barto refers to a series of Crimean species, over which the master worked in 1957-1958.

the Next section of the scenery — watercolor "San-Джиминьяно" (1950) the hands of the representative of the Russian Diaspora Leopold Syurvazha. The expert stressed that in the post-war period, consistently having Hobbies modernist currents of the first half of the twentieth century, Survage was developed its own unique decorative style of writing with the vivid color palette and smooth, according to-музыкальному rhythmically organized compositions. The artist does not stylize motif, and its field experiences. The colors of the Italian San-Джиминьяно in watercolor Syurvazha slightly bleached Tuscan sun, but we see their bright palette is the same what it saw the artist on a trip to Italy.

the Beauty of Italy in 1954, during his travels in Europe he was fascinated by and David Davidovich Burliuk. The strength of the impression from the special light and air of the Italian nature was such that at the time the artist moved away from typical of his work grotesque woodcut, naive manners and style, close to impressionism, wrote a wonderful watercolor "Capri" (1954), brilliantly passing his impression and mood of the Sunny Italian coast.

on the nature of Italian urban realities returns the viewer canvas ". Tolmachevsky lane" (1993); the author — Mikhail Vsevolodovich Ivanov, a native son of Isaac Babel and stepson of writer Vsevolod Ivanov, raised him. The interpreters of childhood of the artist, and see the love written in our landscape. Ivanov was one of the founders and permanent participant of the "group of nine", saying his firstexhibition in the Khrushchev thaw (1961) about their right to decide purely creative, artistic challenges. He was very fond of Moscow and I loved the painting. "...In 1957 I write Moscow at all times of the year," — he said (source: A brilliant colorist, Ivanov through the passion of cézanne came to his manner of mixing colors on canvas impasto and vigorous brush strokes to the palette — bright and cheerful, but bit low-key and-московски intelligent.

Completes our landscape section the work of another master, the transmission of tonal relations — oil on canvas "the Sunset" (1990) naive artist Vladimir Vladimirovich Maslov, written in the artist's pearl-серой scheme textural, energetic brushstroke.

Indirectly to the subject of landscape, however, is adjacent and another small job. Sketch in oil on cardboard "the rigging" (1950) — stunning in its beauty, detail and veracity of a master work by one of the outstanding painters of the mid-twentieth century, of Vladimir Fedorovich Stozharov.

Seaside theme is continued in one of the largest (139,5 × 151,5) our catalogue — is a bit grotesque and lyrical genre scenes "based On" (1967) brush Naum Iosifovich Tseitlin.

Watercolor "Queen of hearts" (1970-е) famous painter-иллюстратора of Tatiana B. Alexandrova the charming and mysterious. Maybe it is made like a sketch illustration, and perhaps, as the artist for himself reinterpreted the Pushkin story (KOs one character at the bottom of the work and the other cocked as if to support this assumption).

the Theatre schedule this week presents a graphical sketch of the@- variant of the costume, presumably, to Prokofiev's ballet "On the Dnieper" ("Sur le Borysthène") hand Natalia Sergeevna Goncharova. As you know, the ballet "On the Dnieper" (to make the French public name Dnepr replaced his ancient Greek predecessor, turned out Sur le Borysthène) N. Goncharova was first staged at the Paris Opera in 1932. Recalling the decoration of the ballet, Goncharova wrote: "...every folklore, the historicity or the fabulousness I decided to put aside and think about costumes in addition to all of this." Based on traditional ballet tights and tunics, adding a small "national" parts, she created the ensemble, built on shades of color. "...I decided to create an ensemble of costumes in the colours of autumn colors", — wrote the artist. The color of each costume is not only an integral part of the overall decorative decisions, but also reflected the nature of the character. The expert indicates that the character image of the character (the dance movement), colors, asymmetrical color scheme, tights, similar to the costume design for the ballet Sur le Borysthène stored in the collection of the state Tretyakov gallery, suggests that our watercolor is a sketch-вариантом of a costume for this production.

Section female images opens the "Reclining woman (white)" Oleg Nikolayevich Tselkova — a small porcelain figurine, made in a recognizable author's style of drawing by the artist at the factory Höchster Porzellan Manufaktur (Frankfurt-на-Майне, Germany) in 2011 in the amount of 15 copies. Our statue @13 mdas instance from the party.

Pastel "Portrait girls" (1972) Sergei Alekseevich Luchishkin belongs to the later period of the artist. It is masterfully executed, with complex color and tonal development, deeply psychological portrait, where one can feel the author's skill, a lot of and fruitfully worked in this genre in 1970-80-е years.

Another portrait — touching, very pale watercolor "choirboy" (1946) Mary Bronislavovna Vorobyeva-Стебельской, better known as Marevna. The portrait was painted in a distinctive recognizable manner transparent watercolor large soft brush. The expert stressed that "the author, surprisingly, was bright and clean children's images. They attract the viewer delight with its clarity, brilliance, care of execution and penetration. Is no exception and researched work, which beautifully conveys a thoughtful way, focusing on the mass of the boy-хориста".

this portrait of a family pet can be called bright and very expressive "Lapdog" (1986) brush Anatoly T. Zverev, who wrote the beloved dog from his friend, the artist Victor Kazarina. The expert says that "work, despite the fact that it was written in the late period of the artist's work, is interesting because it's not a custom picture as the bulk of the works of this time, and the thing made by the artist for himself, for fun. Here — easy, free nature of painting, a fascination with the decorative play of color spots and smooth lines, the use of a wide fleytsem and spontaneous spraying paint @almost all the mdas in the best early works of the artist."

And another "almost" portrait — simplified to anthropomorphism, almost abstract composition "Miner" (2005) Moscow primitivist Oleg Vladimirovich lang.

From the "almost" abstraction, abstraction "character", go to the pure example of the genre — poetic and fantastic work "the time of the red planets" (1986) brush nonconformists Nicholas Evgenyevich Vechtomova. Its simple geometric shape is well laid out, and overall, the work is fascinating recognizable deep black color and the fiery floods of rich red hues.

Completing the description of works 154-го of the Auction string of three still lifes. "Yellow Calla lilies" (1992) Victor Semyonovich Kazarin — elegant and very much alive (despite the fact that still life) flower staging, created in a unique author's style of the artist.

"Flowers" (2002) Aaron Froimovich Buch — a true explosion of colors — bright, decorative, very colorful and emotional work.

an Interesting subject production of "Old things" (1998) hand max Avadevich Birshtein — real story, in detail and with great skill, using expressive descriptions narrated by the artist to the viewer.

Our regular readers are probably already familiar with the following statement, but those who are going first to buy a painting or drawing, would be helpful to know that no monitor ever authentic will not give works of art. Color, texture, not to mention the aura of a particular work, the impression from the meeting with her, the monitor is not subject. Good thing he can do at least inexpressive,not very good, on the contrary, to embellish (the last one we have, but it is fair to say it's worth). In addition, each person sees and feels by-своему. So come see all the work with my own eyes we have, Gorokhovsky, 7 (only need to call and make an appointment).

Wish you all a good bargain and good shopping!

Fair market price level on the works of the authors represented in the catalog of this auction can be identified in the information database of auction results ARTinvestment.RU.

At the auction AI continues to operate a virtual party "Reserve price is not reached". He appears in the final minutes of trading, so that customers have the option to kill the reserve price (for those items where it is). In other words, if you see party "Reserve price is not reached," that is a reason to continue the fight — perhaps the victory is near.

If the latter rate appears accompanied litters "Until reserve was 1 step", it means that making the next bet, you win the auction — unless, of course, who-нибудь, inspired close luck not interrupt your last words. And always a shame when participants traded a few days and especially the last couple of hours excitedly before closing suddenly stop just one step from victory. If you feel that thing — is yours, so take this step!

Note: the fee from the buyer 15% of the final price of the lot.

Selected lots of the Auction № 154

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