Art Investment

20 may "Antiquarium" conducts the auction № 4

The catalogue is made up of rare and valuable books, autographs, manuscripts and photographs

may 20, 2016, the auction house "KABINET" auction number 4 will provide 368 of lots of rare and valuable books, autographs, manuscripts and photographs.

Online-каталог auction.

Open auction of rare editions of the first half of the eighteenth century: the war with the Swedes Peter Shafirov, published in 1722, when Peter the great@the semicolon Elizabethan edition — "Description of the Ice house" craft (St. Petersburg, 1741) and the first edition "Court of man" of Gracian (St. Petersburg, 1741), works by M. V. Lomonosov in 1757.

Among the books of the second half of the XVIII century is also quite a lot of rare books: "the Description of a visit to Mitau known Kaliostro" Recke (St. Petersburg, 1787) and Emblem and symbols" Maksimovic-Амбодика (St. Petersburg, 1788), "remarks on the answer of the General major Boltina, a letter from Prince Shcherbatov, Russian writer of the history of M. M. Shcherbatov, M., 1792) and the "Cabinet of Peter the Great" Belyaeva (St. Petersburg, 1800), etc.

Collectors of lifetime editions of Russian classics is written primarily the lifetime editions of Pushkin: the publication of the poem "the Black shawl" in "Son of the Fatherland" for 1821; the second edition of "the prisoner of the Caucasus" (1828); the first edition of "Boris Godunov" (1831) and the first full edition of "Eugene Onegin" (1833); a full set of almanac "Mnemosyne", which in addition to A. S. Pushkin attended many of his contemporaries@the semicolon finally, a complete set of the posthumous edition of the collected works of A. S. Pushkin 1838-1841.

Of lifetime editions of other authors draw attention to the Paris edition of Krylov's fables (1825); Virgiliev Aeneid" Kotlyarevsky Ukrainian language (1842); "Illustrated almanac, published Panayev and Nekrasov" (1848); "notes of a hunter" by Turgenev (1859); lifetime editions of the novels of F. M. Dostoevsky; the first edition of "Anna Karenina" by L. N. Tolstoy (1878), etc.

the auction house will present a collection of books on history, geography, memoirs, illustrated edition. Among the latter we want to highlight a few particularly rare: "the Paris theatres or Meeting wonderful theatrical costumes" (Moscow, 1829); "Peoples of Russia" of the assistance of rechberg (Paris, 1812); "Tsarskoye Selo Museum or collection of weapons of his Majesty the Emperor" F. Gilles (St. Petersburg, 1835-1853); "Moscow Armoury chamber" Veltman (Moscow, 1844); children's game "Geographical maps of Russia" (1857); 3 album handwritten Synodikon, I. A. Golyshev published in 1885-1893 гг.; complete set of three issues of "collections of Byzantine, Georgian and old Russian ornaments and monuments of architecture" G. G. Gagarin (1897-1903).

Among the publications of the twentieth century — large collection of books by Russian poets of the Silver age, the books of the publishing house "Academia", the front and advertising the book the Soviet time bibliophilic edition. Of the latter can be called "the Queen of spades" with illustrations by A. Benois (1911), set of the magazine "Gerboved" S. Troinicnogo (1913-1914), "Viy" by Gogol with illustrations by K. Kuznetsova (Paris, 1930), and others.

In the final tens of lots presented string of photographs, including photographs of the Romanov family and their relatives (including from other ruling houses of Europe), and photographs of party leaders of the first years of Soviet power, photographs of military parades and heroes 1930-х years, photos of the first Russian cosmonauts...

Collection auction is not limited to the masterpieces of publishing, the price of lots starts from 700 rubles for the pictures and up to several million rubles for the book culturally significant rarities.

the pre-Auction exhibition is open from 12 to 19 may 2016 from 10:00 to 20:00, may 20 — to 15:00 at the address: Moscow, ul Krasnoarmeyskaya, 25.

the Auction will be held may 20 in the hall of the "Almanac" of the hotel "Ukraine" located to the address: Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospekt 2/1 bld. 1. Commencement of trading in 19:00.

Accepting applications for absentee participation and bidding by phone ends may 20 15:00.

Source: press-релиз auction house "KABINET"

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