Art Investment

"House of antique books in Nikitsky" sums up the results of the auction on March 17

71-й on account auction, where it was offered over 500 lots — rare books, autographs, manuscripts and photographs, — were quite long and hard to inflame passions

Bidding started with "Missal" 1670, descended from the library of the Kiev-Печерской laurels. Old Church edition was purchased straight off the Internet-игроком for 60 000 rubles. "Three arguments about the three main Russian antiquities" V. Trediakovsky (lot 2) already turned serious battle in which the efforts of the three parties bidding price soared from 15 000 to 60 000 rubles. Good result demonstrated "a Complete collection of all the works and translations in verse of G. Kostrova" 1802 (lot 10), got to party on the Internet for 85 000 rubles. Passions ran high and drawing books Herman I. "Historical outline of mining in the Russian Empire" (lot 13): a large initial price 160 000 not become a barrier for the hot bidding. Summary of — 320 000 rubles, or doubling the starting price.

persistently traded the parties for the "Twilight" E. Baratynsky 1842 edition (lot 47). The winner, doubling the starting price, took the rare book 100 000.

Found in the hall and not indifferent to the ancient intellectual game of chess: "chess Rules of the game", released in 1843 (lot 49), the new owner spared 70 000.

the Excellent result was shown the book of Turgenev's "Conversation" 1845 (lot 53) — 380 000 rubles. So really serious conversation!

the Passion of all was heating up during the auction. Thus, a serious struggle for the book "Selected passages from correspondence with friends" by Gogol (lot 55), which took to several participants. As a result, the price jumped from the launch to 100 000 to 170 000. The victory this time was celebrated by the player in the hall.

And later took place and the biggest sale of the evening. "The Russian primer", 1860, compiled by T. Shevchenko (lot 71), was purchased online-участником for 1 900 000 rubles. The result was still the second most significant this year at the auction "In Nikitsky". In top-3 entered and the book Taras Shevchenko "Haydamaky" (lot 72) sold for 900 000 at the start of 500 000 rubles.

a Rare album that tells about the study of fish and animal crafts on White and Arctic seas (lot 75), found its owner for 450 000 rubles.

the degree of tension, and Vice versa, rapidly went up. For the "centennial Historical sketch of the life of the Imperial Educational society for noble maidens of St. Petersburg and the Aleksandrovsky school" (lot 77) fighting broke out between several participants, and the most resistant called final figure, five times exceeded start, — 150 000.

No less excited was bidding for "Album of Russian folk tales and legends", published by G. Hoppe in 1875 (lot 85): if you start at 60 000 the album went for 260 000 rubles.

And somewhat later there was another sensation (though expected): lot 274, bidding for which started at 200,000 rubles, as a result of the intense struggle got Internet-игроку for 900 000. Destroyed the book of Anna Akhmatova, sure, got in a decent library.

Above all praise has been sold at auction children's literature: "the cockroach" by Korney Chukovsky 1923 (lot 333) — 190 000, "Moidodyr" (lot 334) — 220 000, "Kids in a cage" by S. Marshak (lot 335) — 180 000. Books-малютки (lots 428, 429, 430) also were sold with multiple excess of estimate. Pretty solid results for the baby book!

Excellent results showed the first separate edition of "12 chairs" from 1929 (lot 384) — 560 000.

But the most heated bidding took place towards the end of the auction. A complete set of the magazine "Give" for 1929 (lot 398) efforts of several participants fairly quickly with a mark of 40 000 rubles up to a solid result at 480 000.

But the most surprising result was the departure photos of Mayakovsky, prepared for publication in the "Literary newspaper": at a modest estimate of 3 000 it was sold for 70 000 (!) rubles.

In the section of autographs I would like to mention the autographs of the Eisenstein (lot 444) 130 000 and Rachmaninoff (lot 497) for 85 000 rubles, and the autograph of A. Voznesensky.

well, the interest in the book continues unabated, and it can not inspire the employees of the auction house for productive work.

Top-3 auction № 71:

1. Lot No. 71. The Russian primer. 1861 rock / [comp. Taras Shevchenko]. SPb.: In printing of Hohenfelden and K º, 1860 — 1 900 000 rubles. (start 1, 600, 000.).

2. Lot # 274. Akhmatova, A. Poems 1909-1945. М.; Leningrad: ogiz, 1946. — 900, 000. (start 200 000 rubles.).

3. Lot No. 72. Shevchenko, Haidamaky. The Poem Of Taras Shevchenko. Pb.: In drukarni P. Kulish, 1862 — 900, 000. (start 500 000 RUB.).

the Percentage of sales of lots @51 mdas.

the Overall result — 13 700 000 rubles.

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