Art Investment

Auction of antique postcards No. 3. The announcement

March 26 auction house "Russian enamel" conducts the most extensive (the collection includes 350 lots) auction of antique postcards in the history of domestic procatechesis market

March 26, 2016 auction house "Russian enamel" conducts the most extensive (the collection includes 350 lots) auction of antique postcards in the history of domestic procatechesis market.

Online-каталог auction.

Varied postcards with views of Moscow — including the publication of the Assembly and Arras (1895), I. P. Gavrilova (1897), P. von-Гиргенсона, "Sherer, Nabgolts and Co", "Northern Art Publishing", Knackstedt &@Nathe semicolon, I. E. Selina, in France. Eugene and other cities of Central Russia, Russian North, the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, Far East, Crimea, Caucasus, Ukraine, Baltic and Central Asia. In a separate section included postcards with the types of inhabitants of the Russian Empire.

Among open letters, you can distinguish the cards by I. Bilibin, mm germasheva, B. V. Zworykin, V. V. Carrick, A. A. Lavrov, A. P. Apsita, E. P. Samokish-Судковской, E. G. Sokolova, S. S. Solomko, K. A. Somov, S. A. Janov. Rare cards from the series "St-Петербург in the engravings of M. V. Rundaltsov" and "Russian writers in illustrations". Interesting selection of envelopes, prepared for publication in France. Artists Eugenia A. N. Benois, V. D. Zamirailo, G. I. Narbut, V. P. Schneider. This section also includes rare magazines "open letter. An illustrated chronicle of the cards".

Separately presents advertising postal card, including the bookstore and the antique trade P. Shibanova, binding and factory office books by A. A. Snella, bookshop S. Kurkina and Co., a partnership of the manufactory "Emil Tsindel", "Association of beer-и maduranga plant Ivan Durdin", "Association Brokar and Co", "Partnership einem" and others.

traditional steel sections "Maps" (presented various publications in France. Eugene), "Postcards-сувениры" (not only the deltiologists, but bibliophiles will be interesting unique postcard with a miniature edition of the concise biography N. A. Dobrolyubov), "Judaica" (synagogues, types of the Jewish population of the Russian Empire), "the Army. The Cossacks" (including a postcard with the famous Cossack letter to the poet N. N. Turoverov), "First world war" (rare cards I. Bilibin, K. Govorova, D. S. Moore, the numerous caricatures published by various charitable organizations), "Political caricature. Revolution" (you can select the album of J. J. Gombala "Caricatures and faces of the revolution", cards V. Gulak, B. V. Zvorykin, I. A. Sokolova). A variety of open letter dedicated to the personalities, including the representatives of the Russian Imperial house, figures of culture and art.

Extremely informative new sections of the auction. String of "Vienna workshops" presents the works of F. Labis, K. Shvets, M. Keller, K. E. Luksh-Маковской. Various marked and unmarked post cards and unique postage included in section "Philately". Particularly noteworthy are the autographs of V. I. Kachalov, M. N. Yermolova, I. E. Repin, P. F. Lesgaft, S. M. Rotter, E. E. Lansere, I. Y. Ginzburg, A. K. Glazunov, N. P. Bogdanov-Бельского, L. E. Acceleration, Rurik Ivneva, A. A. Akhmatova, stars of theatre and cinema of the first third of the XX century, Soviet cosmonauts on postcards.

the Undisputed top-лот auction — series cards NR. Denis "Six friendly cartoons" (Moscow: Krasnaya Nov, 1923) in the publishing folder in the beautiful collection status. Among the postcards of the Soviet period can be identified and propaganda cards Literary publications-издательского Department of the political administration of the revolutionary military Council, and a unique collection of layouts, cards and original postcards 1940-60-х, from the archive of the Leningrad artist S. P. heroes of Dnepr.

In foreign open letters of notable cards A. Meunier, A. Morin, B. Cascella, postcards from the series "Coins of the world" and "Emblems and stamps of the world", as well as the original open letter on the skin, the last mail in the beginning of XX century.

Pre-auction exhibition is open from 21 to 26 March 2016 in the hall of the auction house "Russian enamel" at the address: Moscow, Gogolevsky Boulevard, 29.

Auction will be held on March 26, 2016. Start of trading in 14:00.

Phone: 8(495) 788-86-16, e-mail:

Source: press-релиз the auction house "Russian enamel"

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