Art Investment

In Moscow will host an auction in support of Museum-мастерской Lyudmila Gurchenko

At the auction on March 19 will be presented to autographs, photographs, manuscripts, scripts, books from the personal archive of the actress, as well as some outfits and accessories from the collection of actress — only about 50 lots

19 March 2016 in the hall "Chatsky" of the hotel "Metropol" will be held the auction, which will feature autographs, photos, manuscripts, scripts, books from the personal archive of Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko, as well as some outfits and accessories from the collection of actress — only about 50 lots.

between 10 and 18 March they can be seen at the exhibition "my Life, cinema..." in the Shopping Gallery "Fashion season" (Moscow, Okhotny Ryad, 2).

Funds raised at the auction will go towards the maintenance and development of the Museum-мастерской Lyudmila Gurchenko — 12 November 2015 it opened in the memorial apartment in Trekhprudny lane.

Today the Museum-мастерская Lyudmila Gurchenko exist without state support, as a private initiative of the husband of actress Sergei Senin.

Sergei Senin: When I decided to do in our apartment Museum-мастерскую, I think many were twisted at a temple. But... After Lucy left not only a huge creative heritage, but also an incredible amount of things. Only invented and made by her hands costumes and accessories more than two hundred. Is the whole world! March 31, 2011 I walked into our apartment and realized that he had left this world.

How to be? As for all this care? How to handle dresses, suits, hats, shoes, feathers, furs? To ventilate? Iron? Cleaned? To give? And most importantly — as not to lose it all? How to save?

fortunately, there were people — scientists, experts, critics, professionals, real Lusini fans. Employees of the Stroganov Academy. Worked without grants — for the love of Luce. Helped, explained, studied, systematized. It took more than one year. But today, every safety pin, bead, pietka, feather, lace, shred @all mdas carefully ventilated, ironed, cleaned, studied, described, and photographed. And most importantly (terrible word, Lucy would have laughed) — scatalogically!

We have taken the first step. Retained.

But. Hard. Not so simple. It's just difficult. Handmade costumes need to be restored and horizontal storage. It is necessary to restore paintings, photographs, posters and billboards, antique furniture and hand-framed by Lucy tapestries and enamels. So many unique things that are sorely lacking space for their proper storage. Need to attract experienced professionals and experts of different profiles, to employ employees, pay for utilities and office services, to purchase mannequins, showcases, and everything that is important to a full life of the Museum.

Lucy often said: "Every case — case."

2016 announced in Russia the year movie. Sergei Burmistrov, General Director of the auction house "literary Fund", approached me with the proposal to transfer objects associated with kinoteatralnogo Lucy, for the auction. And I with my companions was looking for those who will help our Museum to survive. So, as long as that happens. So, as you want. Case? I am glad of this occasion, this meeting, this proposal. But for this difficult, in fact, only the newly created Museum, we hope to attract the attention of people who care. Not only private collectors, but also Museum Directors in Moscow, Department of culture of our city — who can really help all of us to preserve the unique heritage of the great actress and her memory long after. And yet... I'm Sure these items will continue their life in the collections of true fans of Lyudmila Markovna. Low bow to them!

Sergei Burmistrov: For participants of auction it is, perhaps, the first and only opportunity to acquire unique items from the collection of the nationally beloved artist. All the items keep a unique identity of one of the best Actresses of our time. So, for example, fans will be able to buy your favorite a pair of tea Lyudmila Gurchenko, presented by Nikas Safronov portrait or performed by Valentin Yudashkin costume design. Among the lots — vintage work fashion houses "Chanel", "Kenzo", "Cavalli", "Agatha", "Sonia Rykiel". Many of them were used in famous movies, shows and music videos with the participation of Lyudmila Markovna.

Maxim Averin: O Gurchenko is impossible to speak in the past tense, because living her creativity and love of the audience. Museum — is the memory not only about looking but also about art, which without it would be very different. You need to enter a course "looking" for theatre schools. After all, it's a profession — to be simultaneously tragic and musical artist such as Lyudmila Markovna. Lucy — is a multi-faceted meteorite. It is our optimism, the epitome of resilience, with a thin waist. Her honor and dignity — reminder of how, despite all the difficulties to be personality and a Woman with a capital letter.

Catherine Christmas: Such as Gurchenko, do not go away. Although I do not know such as Gurchenko. She was a rare talent, passion and the "inside". She was poglazhival, to fit yourself, achieving originality and sophistication, whether the role, the dress, or the way home. I fantasized, adding the detail that was required. All things, without exception, were the author's, Haute couture, from Gurchenko.

Happiness that they are at peace, the happiness that can come to her apartment and see how simple and rustic it lived, how huge her talent fit into these little square footage, filling them with the extraordinary light. Although what I'm talking about — with the light fill us with you, and this memory must remain.

Source: press-релиз auction house "literary Fund"

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