Art Investment

Russian and Western European art in the house "Russian enamel"

On 20 February, the house "Russian enamel" holds first in 2016 auction of Russian and Western European art. Lot 392 directory — is paintings and drawings, Russian religious art, porcelain and silver, jewelry, etc.

20 February will be the first in 2016 auction of Russian and Western European art auction house "Russian enamel".

Online-каталог auction.

Western European painting of the XIX — early XX century, presented at auction, in particular, "Predators" А.-А. Brunel de Neuville, "the Boy looking at the parrot", vyurts, "Flowers" J. Verhas.

Among the most notable paintings of Russian painters — "Bridge on the mountain river" P. B. Lambino, "Eastern motives" O. T. Pogorelova.

In a number of works of Soviet artists, the organizers draw the attention of the public to the paintings of the "Abramtsevo", "Abramtsevo", "River Vorya" P. A. Radimov, "Haystacks, Winter. For brushwood", "Backwater" by T. I. Katorkin, "Village Council," L. A. Kanygina, and the "Village" and "Pies" G. T. Bodrova.

Top@section graphics ndashлот —, the picture of Lado Gudiashvili "Georgian epic".

How is always a variety of book and magazine graphics: in the auction catalogue included the work of N. A. Sheberstov, V. A. Burkina, G. Tevosyan, E. K., Melnikova, A. A. Lurie, D. I. Mitrokhin.

Very informative section of Russian religious art, which included more than thirty lots.

Masterpieces of Russian decorative-прикладного art presented in the collection of the upcoming auction the works of masters of the company I. Khlebnikov (vase "Swans"), the Sazikov factory (box of cigars), 6-й Moscow artel (Kovsh with enamel on filigree), of the company Grachev brothers (tea-кофейный service), Faberge (Bouvard).

Connoisseurs of jewelry are gorgeous gold earrings "Malinki" with sapphires and twenty diamonds, watches made of platinum inlaid with diamonds and decorated with gold enamel snuff box late eighteenth century, the picturesque style of painting which is reminiscent of the work of the famous Geneva enameller Jean-Луи Richter.

In section glass and porcelain included, in particular, the products of the company Halle (vases depicting hydrangea and Thistle), Meissen porcelain manufactory (allegorical figure "the Taste), Gardner (sculptural composition "farewell Scene of Andrei and the perfect polka"), Studio M. I. Tarasova (a carafe "warriors Outpost" and twelve cups), Dulevo porcelain factory (sculpture "Manicure").

Separately, the organizers of the auction, mark the box "XXX years of the Heroic Soviet Army", painted by Palekh artist N. Baskovym.

Pre-auction exhibition is open auction house "KABINET" February 20, 2016.

Telephone: 8(495) 788-86-16, e-mail:

the Auction will take place on 20 February 2016 in the hall of the auction house "Russian enamel" at the address: Moscow, Gogol Boulevard, 29. Start of trading in 14:00.

Source: press-релиз the auction house "Russian enamel"

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