Art Investment

Auction house "literary Fund" invites bibliophiles in "Turandot"

November 12, held an auction of "literary Fund", which is a private collection of rare Russian books XVII @ & mdash; early XX century. Offered for sale the library was gathered bit by bit over many decades

November 12, held an auction of "literary Fund", which is a private collection of rare Russian books XVII — the beginning of XX century. Offered for sale the library was gathered bit by bit over many tens of let@

Online catalog auction@

Auction will be held in the Porcelain room of the restaurant "Turandot" on Tverskaya Boulevard. The auction will feature over 300 lots of book, including a copy of "Diaboliad" of Mikhail Bulgakov, presented by the famous and beloved actress of Mat Bulgakov, the first and the best performer of the role of Elena in "Days Turbins" by Vera Sokolova. In the spirit of the Great Master sounds and the end of the autograph: "... do Not read this book — it has no good anything. It disfigured impotent satire...".

is Not inferior to "Diaboliad" bibliophilic interest a rare first edition of "Kobzar" by Taras Shevchenko, published in 1840. One of the last known sales of the book happened almost three years ago and a copy was purchased more than 250 thousand dollarov@

Among the top lots of the auction organizers note the first book of Maximilian Voloshin with his autograph Andrew White, a folder of lithographs by Mstislav Dobuzhinsky's "St. Petersburg in 21 year" with a triple Suite of drawings — inscribed copy with an autograph Dobuzhinsky from the collection of the famous bibliophile C. L. Markova, the book "Sofia Georgievna Melnikova. The fantastic tavern", a set of "History of art" by Igor Grabar in book jackets and covers, inscribed copy of "description of Old little Russia" A.  Lazarev with his autograph, which belonged to the brother of the writer — member of the Board of the Main Department for Affairs of the press Vladimir  Adler, lifetime editions of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Dostoevsky and many other raritetov@

Pre-auction exhibition will be held from 27 October to 11 November (except Sunday and Monday) from 11 to 20 hours at the address: Korobeynikov pereulok, 22, p. 2 (auction house "literary Fund").

the Auction will take place on 12 November in the Porcelain room of the restaurant "Turandot" at the following address: Tverskoy Boulevard, 26, p. 3. Auction starts at 19:00. Gathering of the guests 18:00.

Phones: 7 985.969.77.45 and 7 495.637.40.03; e-mail:; directory on the Internet:

Source: press release auction house "Litfond"

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