Art Investment

Rare Russian books and manuscripts at auction on November 20 and 21 in Nikita

Two nights before the participants and guests of the auction "House of antique books in Nikitsky" will appear most rare Russian books XVI — XIX centuries. Pre-show opens today
ТЕРЕБЕНЁВА карикатурные рисунки  из Отечественной войны 1812 года с французами. 1812–1813 гг
TEREBENEV caricature drawings of the Patriotic war of 1812 with the French. 1812-1813, Etchings, hand-painted
House of antique books in Nikitsky. November 20, 2014. Lot # 160
Estimate: 28 000-30 000 UE@

20 and 21 November "House of antique books in Nikitsky" will hold the second and third auctions private book collection. Two nights before the participants and guests of the trades will appear most rare Russian books XVI - XIX vekov@

Online directories aukcionov@

Ancient literature presents a unique editions of Ivan Fedorov "New Testament with Psalms" (1580), "Ostrog Bible" (1581), "Teaching gospel" (1582); in the same section at the auction exhibited the "gospel Teaching" (1788), famous in the amount of 8 instances, and Primer (1885), known only 5 ekzemplyarah@

Section of Peter's book is replete with rarities - in particular, put up for auction "is a Story about orders or ranks of the military pace as the knights" (1710), "Book a Charter sea about everything related to good governance" (1720), "memorial what by decree of His Imperial Majesty filed Ilinskomu court 1719" (1720) and other bibliophilic desiderata epohi@

bidders will feature books in luxurious bindings from Imperial, Ducal and princely collections for example, instances from the library of Emperor Nicholas I, Alexander III, Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich Yanenko, Sergei Alexandrovich, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Earl S. D. Sheremetev, Prince S. M Vorontsov, and many others. Some of them bear the marks and comments of the eminent vladeltsev@

Among the greatest rarities wanted bibliophiles as in the XIX and XX century, - General armorial of the Noble families of the Russian Empire", "Cartoon pictures of the Patriotic war of 1812 with the French" I. Terebenev, "Antiquities of the Russian state, published by Imperial order" F. Solntsev, "Russian folk pictures" D. Rovinsky - the instance from the collection of Senator member of the State Council A. A. Polovtsova, "a Study on skopcheskih heresy" H. I. Nadezhdina, published edition of 25 copies, and many other antique books, for many years does not appear on rince@

Just two of the November auction will be presented over 1000 lots of rare books and rukopisi@

Pre-auction exhibition opens today, November 13, and will run until November 19, from 10 to 20 hours (daily except Mondays) at the address: Moscow, Nikita lane, 4A, page 1 ("House of antique books in Nikitsky"). Phone: (985) 969 7745 or (495) 926 4114.

Auctions will be held there on November 20 and 21. In the beginning 19:00.

Источник: press release, "House of antique books in Nikitsky"

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