Art Investment

Birthday Auction AI. Taught first year

During the year the auction AI spent 48 trades, set several personal records for the artists, took just over 5 % of the auction market in the segment of painting and drawing and was the auction No. 1 in our country, sales of the sixties

October 7, 2013-го launched the first Auction AI. Now, perhaps, we can admit that even though we thought about your auction, but at the start of our trading platform was the element of spontaneity: it was necessary to quickly test the technology platform for another project. Here protectively.

Auction AI had already spent a year and spent 48 trades, now go 49-е. For the 12 months of our auction set several personal records for the artists, took just over 5 % of the auction market in the segment of painting and drawing in money@7

8@, and also became the auction No. 1 in our country sales hudozhnikov-шестидесятников@7


However, the year — term is small, not sufficient to speak about the achievements and know-хау. Therefore, in its first birthday we decided just to share what he taught us the first year practical trade. Which to understand life was almost more valuable than the previous 10 years of analytical work on art-рынке.

'll Start with debunking the mass of the myths that hinder the development of the art-рынка in our country. And imenno:

Myth 1. Art-рынка we have no. For many it has become a kind of spell. Which, like war, all written off. Any business-провалы. Actually it would be better to say that art-рынка at prices of 2008 we no longer have. Now we have to deal with the new market realities. But at about the right price the demand is present. For example, according to the statistics of our auction-новичка, in an average year, the proportion of lots sold was 47.7 %. New owners with only one our help, gained over 370 items. We honestly thought the percentage would be even higher. But it spoiled seasonal fluctuations (we didn't stop the auction is not in summer) and a few unsuccessful trades.

Myth 2. The art of economically inaccessible to most people, it can afford only the rich. This is, pardon the pun, also talks in favor of the poor. And in addition the most pernicious misconceptions among constraining art-рынок. The source of this myth is clear: we have all heard millions of records that publish media. Because millions for painting — this vivid information about. But in real life it is much more democratic: 35 % of lots sold per year at Auction AI, were cheaper 100000; 21 % — cheaper than 39 000. If it is too expensive, that is another 5.5 % of the lots that were sold for 15,000 rubles and deshevle.

as for the rich. Indeed, buyers were people with income above average, say, several hundred thousand rubles a month. But not crazy. "Class composition" — entrepreneurs from the medical sphere, the functionaries of the education sector, people working in the public sector, in the judicial system. Oil barons among customers not noticed. Buy primarily from the collection of motives, though not without regard to investment potential.

Myth 3. Buyers at auctions — aging audience, young people are not buying art. Having heard the opinions of experienced dealers, we initially thought so too. However, in our case it turned out that most of the buyers are age group of 25-50 years. Collectors up to 30 years is really not much, but the demographic risks to art-бизнеса should not be too preactivate.

Myth 4. Art on the Internet is not for sale. So-прежнему considered. And it is also clear why: many previously had a bad experience. But the Internet-то there is just nothing to do. It's just technology sales. And the root of the problem lies in disbelief. How can I be sure that the seller can offer the picture really are available? How to avoid problems with authenticity? Who will be the arbiter of disputes? How can you be sure that the highest bet made a serious person, not the Internet-хулиганом? And such questions are dozens. If the auction structure to cope with these issues and those gaining the confidence of the rest — matter of technique and Internet.

Myth 5. If what-то and sold on the Internet, it is only cheap. actually quite good sold online painting, drawing and sculpture price 300-500 thousand and up to a million. But to attract on the Internet-торги works of the Supreme price segment it is still difficult, then the ice of mistrust need to continue to heat. Over the past year, the bar in one million at Auction AI overcame only three works: "seaside landscape" by Mikhail Matyushin (2.5 million rubles), "Bouquet of flowers on a dark background" Natalia Goncharova (1,2 million) and "Eastern scene" Alexander Yakovlev (1,1 million). In fourth place with a large margin — "Nikolina Gora" Anatoly Zverev (510 thousand rubles).

What else had noticed unusual? For example, the demand for provenance. Of course, we knew that the key factors that facilitate the sale of the paintings are expert opinion, the auction history of the artist and provenance. Conclusion we demand always. If the author has no auction history, his work we accept, too, only in exceptional cases@78@. But the role of provenance we were inclined rather to underestimate. And in vain. It turned out that belonging in the past to what-то collection or even fragmentary information about work history, we, too, can be decisive factors influencing the purchase decision. Collectors it is important to hear the famous surname to establish themselves in their resheniy.

Russian art-рынок historically has a reputation dashing. And now remember what information the background we live in. We on all sides are happy to talk about fakes, courts, lawsuits, scandals, fake expert opinions about the experts-мошенниках and muddy personalities. In fact, it turns out that in practical Commerce sane people — most. Deliverers in bulk — realistic people tend to meet customer expectations. Yes and most of the customers complain. So, the notorious problem of electronic bullying (false rate of dishonest motives) was minimal. The cases when the winning lot buyers refused payment for the year can be counted on the fingers of one hand. That is, this problem has also been exaggerated. As pathetic as it sounds, but our art-мир was much better and more interesting than commonly believed. And it is, perhaps, most importantly, taught us the first year of operation. Thank you for you work and earn with name.


8@ the Comparison is made with the total sales of paintings, graphics and sculpture at auction in Russia 2013 godu.


8@ By number sold per year, artists-шестидесятников at auction Rossii.

@78@ Alas, no previous sales-прежнему generates a vicious circle: the bidder fails to take the mission on the initial promotion hudojnika.

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