Art Investment

Auction "Rare books" firm "znak" will be held may 24

Pre-auction exhibition opens today at the company's office at the Kuznetsk Bridge

24 may 2014 at the Marriott Royal Aurora hotel will host the twenty-third auction firm "znak" —; "Rare books", which will feature over 500 lots, including higher things collectible urovnya@

One of the most interesting from the point of view of filling is the section "Order". Special attention deserves the badge of the order of St. Anna, first class with crown and swords (1820-1836) made in the workshop of Immanuel pannasha. Items created by this provider of the Chapter, is extremely rare in the antique market and are among the most desirable for serious faleristov. The author's style is easily recognizable: the high artistic level of the picture, a special technique of guilloché fantastic glow effect of the subject "from the inside". Badge of the order of St. Anna, first class with crown awarded in exceptional cases, and always awarded received it from the hands of the Sovereign. It should be noted that the swords as a symbol of their military record owner of the subject were added to the order after 1855. This addition makes the already fascinating piece by-настоящему ekskluzivni@

star of the order of St. Alexander Nevsky with diamonds and rock crystal. Made in the mid-nineteenth century and personally issued His Imperial Majesty the reward is well preserved to our days. The star is not only extremely rare but also extremely effective in terms of jewelry ispolnenie@

Greater value is placed on the folio of the late XVIII century "the establishment of the Russian cavalier of the order". The publication is considered the most important document in the history of formation of the system of state awards of the Russian Empire, one of the first departmental books. The folio is an example of decoration of Russian books of the eighteenth century and a rare literary monument of national znaczenia@

the publication contains descriptions of the order of the signs, provisions for special order of acts, rules, dress code, medals and ribbons, festive days of the individual orders, the procedure for the award and wearing of awards. A printed version of the Statute with 38 black-белыми engravings was published based on information stored in the Armoury chamber of the Moscow Kremlin of the original manuscript of "the Establishment of the Russian" containing painted risunki@

Top-лотами numismatic section, the organizers called for two coins. The first one @5 rubles mdash 1759 — deserves attention collectors rare year of release and the level of safety stamp with brilliance. Second — memorable "family" coin with double Russo-польским denomination 1½ ruble @10 gold mdash 1836 — is a rare instance, by a special decree of the Emperor minted best engraver Paul yard Utkina@

the Organizers believe that the interest of fans of medal art will cause large silver medal "In commemoration of the capture of two Swedish frigates. 6 may 1703" — the true reward of Peter's time (1703). Such objects are extremely rare at auction. Typically, the auction lots become novodel coin, minted in the late XVIII — the early nineteenth century. Medal "For the capture of two Swedish frigates" was established by decree of Peter I and was intended for officers of the guards regiments who participated in the sea srajenii@

medal with the monogram of Catherine II and the state coat of arms is not related to military history. In official documents this item was listed as "medal for the Chukchi". The award was established in 1791 and was awarded the Chukchi elders, persuaded people to take Russian citizenship. Managed to make only eighty medals, to the present day, as the organizers of the auction, came no more duh@

Online-каталог auction@

see lots can be on pre-sale exhibition, which opened today, may 12 and will last till may 23. The exhibition is open on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:30 in the office of the auction house "Znak" at the address: Moscow, street the Kuznetsk Bridge, 21/5, entrance 1, office 5000.

to view the auction may be a collection catalog and on the website In addition, on may 24 from 10:00 to 11:30 hits collection will be organized at the Marriott Royal Aurora hotel at the address: Moscow, Petrovka str., 11, ibid. at 12:00 starts auction@

Source: press-релиз auction house "znak"

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