Art Investment

"The history of wars and revolutions in Russia" - the auction of "House of antique books in Nikitsky"

February 13 at the 23rd auction "In the Nikita" will be exhibited rare publications on the history of the Russian regiments, military units, the White movement and the Cossacks, autographs statesmen and military leaders

February 13 "House of antique books in Nikitsky " an auction "The history of wars and revolutions in Russia ," dedicated to the centenary of the First World War .

Among the top lots will feature rare editions of the second half of XIX - early XX century history imbued with the glory of the Russian army regiments : the Life Guards Pavlovsky Semenovski , Transfiguration , Chasseur , Finland , Courland , Nizhny Novgorod .

particular interest is the two-volume P. Bobrov "History of the Life Guards Regiment " ( 1900-1904 ), with woven sheets , on which is printed in hard copy : " An instance of Her Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna " and worth superekslibris Empress. Very interesting album of portraits "Former Cadets Imperial Cadet Corps ", published on the 150th anniversary of the first Cadet Corps , which was celebrated February 17, 1882 . Instance belonged to the library of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich , as evidenced by his superekslibris embossed on the back cover binding. The album includes 310 made ​​in the technique phototype portraits of former pupils of the 1st Cadet Corps , including portraits of Alexander II, representatives of the imperial family , officers and high-ranking officials . Both editions are collectible and historical and cultural value .

Another unique museum-quality album , concerning the house of the Romanovs, contains 48 original photographs Imperial betting and Supreme Commander 1914-1915 . The album opens with a photograph "His Imperial Majesty palace commandant talks with His Majesty's Retinue Maj. Gen. Voeikov ».

Complements subsection publications associated with the Imperial house , compiled by GA Miloradovich and decorated his handwritten autograph " Individuals suites Their Majesties the reign of Emperor Peter I in 1886 on the day of appointment by seniority . Adjutant General , Maj. Gen. suites , adjutant , held in special and Brigade Majors ».

extensive publications section of the Russian emigration includes rare books . In Belgrade, where he found refuge after the Civil War, much of the Russian officers were released to the compilation " triennium Company Gallipoli " (1924) and Album of the Order of St.. Martyr and St. George the Victorious Georgia and weapons (1937 ), in Harbin - Festschrift "Orenburg Cossack" ( 1937-1938) and "Siberian Cossack" ( 1932-1938 ) , dedicated to the history of the Cossack troops , in Beijing - two volumes of " Siberia, and allies Kolchak " Hins G. (1921 ) in Paris - " Life-Guards Cossack EV Regiment during the Revolution and the Civil War, 1917-1920 " autographed Opritsa I. (1939), a full set of " Military were " Colonel Yu Zubov (1978), " Preobrazhensky Regiment in the Great War "by S. Andolenko .

special place among the top lots occupy rare Masonic books of XVIII century. These publications , almost not found in the open market , largely determined by the formation and development of Russian dissent and formed the mindset ¸ led to the era of three revolutions " pocketbook for B *** K *** [Freemasons], and for those who do not belong to the add "( 1783) , " St. Dionysius the Areopagite on the celestial hierarchy , or the Hierarchies "( 1786 )," The spirit or thought of St. Augustine , Bishop Ipponiyskogo , of all his writings izvlechennyya "( 1787 ) . Exceptional rarity represent «Au Gemma magica, or magical jewel "( 1784 ) , " On the ancient Mysteries , or sacraments , the former among all peoples "( 1785 ) and" On the Errors and truth, or appeal to the universal human race beginning of knowledge " ( 1785 ) . All the Masonic books come from the library general delegate of the Martinist Order in Russia , the head of Martinist lodge " Saint John the Apostle " Pyotr Mikhailovich Kaznacheeva .

Traditional auctions for " In the Nikita " section includes manuscripts autographs statesmen and generals , among them - Witte , Stalin, Voroshilov , Beria , and many others .

In the second , " non-thematic " part of the auction will feature a variety of rare books from lifetime editions of Pushkin and his contemporaries to rare books and autographs poets of the Silver Age .

auction exhibition will be held from February 5 to 12 from 10 am to 20 pm ( daily except Mondays ) at the address : Moscow, Nikita lane. 4a , page 1 ("House of antique books in Nikitsky ") . The auction will be held there on February 13. Start trading in 19:00.

any questions, please contact us at tel . : (985) 969-7745 or (495 ) 926-4114.

Source : press release "House of antique books in Nikitsky »

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