Auction of Contemporary Russian Art Sotheby's. Top lots
As part of trading Sotheby's «Modern East" on November 25 in London will be about 100 paintings, photographs, installations and sculptures by artists from Russia, the CIS and Eastern Europe - by I. Kabakov, O. Vasiliev, J. Wrubel, etc.
in London next week will be marked by Russian art. Auction houses Christie's, Sotheby's and Bonham's 25, 26 and 27 November in several sessions hold their Russian trading . And this time will be sold not only art XIX - XX centuries , but also the contemporary Russian art of the XXI century. This is an auction Sotheby's « Modern East » («Contemporary East»), in which will be offered to the work of contemporary artists from the CIS and Eastern Europe .
Sotheby's. Modern East
November 25, 2013 , 14:30, London
Auction house Sotheby's will start a series of auctions Russian art November 25 auction of contemporary art from Russia , CIS and Eastern Europe "Modern East » («Contemporary East»). They will be presented about 100 paintings, photographs , installations and sculptures as recognized masters and young artists from Russia, Ukraine , Czech Republic, Hungary , Poland, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Lithuania. Sotheby's offers a new appreciation of the art of these countries , highlighting the common cultural heritage .
Top auction items : work Ilya Kabakov , Oleg Oleg Vasiliev , Paul Pepperstein , and the prototype of "brotherly kiss » c Berlin Wall Dmitry Vrubel . With an estimate in the range from one thousand to 800 thousand pounds, these trades should bring more than 2.2 million pounds .
This new auction reflects the growing number of new and young collectors from Russia and Eastern Europe have appeared in recent years on the art market in the past year Sotheby's recorded a 33 percent increase in the number of new buyers from the region in more than 40 different categories of collectibles. Russians are becoming more active in the auction of contemporary art Sotheby's: so in 2013 in this segment they spent 45%more than in the same period last year .
Suad Garayev Specialist CIS contemporary art : " These innovative trading will allow for a fresh look at contemporary art from Russia and Eastern Europe. See historical ties instead of stereotypes of the Soviet /post-Soviet decay. Variety of art movements , especially relating to the period of change in 1980 -90 's, often remained out of sight of the international art market, we shall try to remedy this situation »
Ilya Kabakov Holidays number 6. 1987 masonite , oil, collage , mixed media. 100 x 140 Sotheby's. 25.11.2013 . Lot 135 Estimate: 0,8-1,2 million pounds Source : Press Release Sotheby's |
Auction headed by iconic early work of Ilya Kabakov (1933), one of the most important Russian artists of his generation . Kabakov exhibition which is currently held in the Pace Gallery in New York and the Multimedia Art Museum in Moscow, at the end of the 1960s, was a founder member of the circle of Moscow conceptualist and became one of the first artists of the Soviet Union, whose work in the international exhibitions of the late 1980s in Paris and Germany were presented to Western audiences .
« Holidays number 6 " - one of the most famous works Kabakov in his famous series " Holidays ." Written in the spirit of socialist realism and showing beatific image of Soviet life , in fact it only imitates the classic style of the official Soviet painting to order, hiding beneath a critical sense. The painting surface is littered with candy wrappers , is in fact a false optimism , masking the dreary reality of everyday life .
In the process of creating this work Kabakov, whose works conceptualist inherent irony , came up with the artist Charles Rosenthal , who was dissatisfied with the painting , which was written on the order. Trying to breathe life into a product , a fictional character made him colorful wrappers , evoke the Soviet idea of " decoration " - varnished surface , actually just masking the reality .
Ilya Kabakov in conversation with David Ross in 1998 spoke of Rosenthal : "My vision of this character on the part of himself and lay in the fact that the artist , who studied in the Soviet institutions , was always aware that he could not avoid the system. He had to do exactly what he demanded from the Soviet institutions ... To survive, he began doing illustrations, and to pay him , he strictly observed the rules »
![]() Dmitry Vrubel Fraternal kiss (triptych ) . 1990 Oil on wood , pencil . 250.3 x 354 Sotheby's. 25.11.2013 . Lot 127 Estimate: 40-60 thousand pounds Source : Press Release Sotheby's |
« Fraternal kiss" Dmitry Vrubel is considered one of the most recognizable images of the twentieth century . Reproduced on the Berlin Wall in 1990 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it became a hit among the legendary graffiti murals gallery East Side, attracts millions of tourists from around the world .
Taking the scandalous photos of Regis boss , depicting a time when President Leonid Brezhnev embracing East Germany Eric Honecker on the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the German Democratic Republic in 1979, Vrubel deliberately increased the faces of two men kissing on the Berlin Wall , signing his work in Russian and German , "Lord ! Help me survive the death of this love. " And although the artist claims that this work of love , and was not intended as a political statement , it has become a universal symbol of political change and the ensuing freedom .
Sotheby's put up for auction on November 25 sketch " Fraternal Kiss (triptych ) . " This triptych , painted in 1990 , is the only surviving one of the time since the original was destroyed wall (later , in 2009, Vrubel restored it ).
Oleg Vasiliev Broken tree . 1990 Oil on canvas, pencil. 170.4 x 132 Sotheby's. 25.11.2013 . Lot 131 Estimate: 70-90 thousand pounds Source : Press Release Sotheby's |
Oleg Vasiliev is considered one of the most significant artists of the USSR . Although it is referred to the nonconformists , Vasilieva work emphasized apolitical. They are inspired by Russian landscape painting of the late XIX century. His most famous paintings include glowing color spectra of geometric forms , as in " Broken Tree " (1990) . Fragment of forest on the outskirts of Moscow , bordered by a rainbow of fluorescent colors, reminiscent of the artist's life before he left for New York .
in this picture Pepperstein 1993 in his usual ironic manner offers his version of the emblem of the new community , replacing the USSR .
picture " Red flies » Edward Gorokhovsky , which was written in 1990 after the collapse of the Soviet Union , there is a shrewd political allusion . Carefully written out in a pre -style image of a beautiful girl completely covered with the Soviet hammer and sickle symbols reminiscent of annoying insects .
Source : Press Release Sotheby's