Art Investment

Falk and Konchalovsky's paintings were bought before the auction Sotheby's

By Robert Falk and Petr Konchalovsky, who were to appear in the Russian Sotheby's auction on November 25, bought privately before the auction. Prices for both products is several times higher than estimeyty

Works Robert Falk and Petr Konchalovsky , which should appear at the evening auction of Russian art Sotheby's November 25 , were purchased privately before the auction .

Pictures of Robert Falk ," A man in a bowler hat . Portrait of Jacob Kagan - Shabshaya "and a monumental painting by Pyotr Konchalovsky " Family Portrait in the artist "(both - 1917) were bought by private Russian collector. Portrait by Robert Falk was sold for a price several times higher than the estimate of 2.5-3.5 million pounds (the exact amount of the transaction was not disclosed ).

A painting by Peter Konchalovsky same collector acquired over 4,674 million pounds. This amount is four times higher than the previous record price for the work Konchalovsky - 1 million pounds for the work " Malwa " MacDougall's auction on November 29, 2007 . Both paintings will be shown on the pre-sale exhibition at Sotheby's New Bond Street from 22 to 25 November .

« this transaction established new criteria for assessing creativity Pyotr Konchalovsky and Robert Falk - good friends at home and less well-known outside of Russia. Now, however, they re- opened to the public thanks to surprising results », - commented the director of a private sale of Russian Art Sotheby's Joe Vickery .

ROBERT FALK a man in a bowler hat . Portrait of Jacob Kagan - Shabshaya . 1917
Oil on canvas. 148 x 99
Estimate: 2,5-3,5 million pounds
Painting sold before the auction privately
Source : Press Release Sotheby's

Portrait by Robert Falk captures Jacob Kagan Shabshaya - known collector of Jewish art in the first half of the twentieth century. One of the latest exhibitions, where publicly exhibited painting was XIV Venice Biennale in 1924 . The painting was painted in 1917 , in the period of the artist bubnovovaletovsky (1910-1917).

« Kagan - Shabshay was erratic genius engineer without means , but with big plans . He wanted to establish their own Jewish Museum in Moscow "- recalled Chagall in 1939. The young , not yet recognized patron Chagall acquired about 30 paintings .

In 1923, Kagan - Shabshay sent a formal letter with the request to open the Museum of Jewish Art in Moscow . His proposal was rejected by the Soviet government for ideological reasons , and then in 1932 , Kagan Shabshay gave 139 paintings from his collection to the Odessa Jewish Museum Mendel . Most of the museum was destroyed 12 years later, during the Great Patriotic War. After the death of the collector in 1939, the heir of the session was the brother of Alexander , who lived in Paris, most of the works he sold .

Support Jewish philanthropists such as Jacob Kagan - Shabshay was extremely important for Jewish Culture general and for young artists - experimenters in particular. Robert Falk, about 100 years ago , like all young artists, too, needed her and she was counting on . Portrait of a " man in a bowler hat ," written by Robert Falk to order in 1917, did not leave the collection of Jacob Kagan - Shabshaya patron until his death in 1939 .

Pyotr Konchalovsky Family portrait in the studio. 1917
Oil on canvas. 256 x 355
Estimate: 3,5-4,5 million pounds
Painting sold to private auction for 4.674 million pounds
Source : Press Release Sotheby's

« Family portrait in the studio ," Petr Konchalovsky in 1917 - the largest of the three family portraits of the artist. This monumental painting was central to the retrospective exhibition of the painter " Pyotr Konchalovsky . The Evolution of the Russian avant-garde " , which was held in 2010 in Moscow and St. Petersburg .

a trip to Europe and Russia before World War Konchalovsky is almost always accompanied by his wife, Olga ( 1878-1958 ) and two children , Natalia (1903-1988) and Michael ( 1906-2000 ) . It was a close-knit family , and Konchalovsky wrote their families throughout their lives . Two first family portrait were written at intervals of a year , in 1911 ( Museum, St. Petersburg) and in 1912 ( Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow ) . The third family portrait, 1917 , which is one of the biggest artist's paintings ( 2.5 by 3.5 meters) , located in a private collection .

Source: press Release Sotheby's

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