Art Investment

"Russian enamel" finishes the season on June 29

Monthly auction of Russian and Western European art will present more than 200 lots

«Russian enamel", June 29, 2013 Beginning at 13.00 Moscow, Gogol Boulevard, 29

June 29, 2013 Auction House "The Russian enamel" finishes the season a monthly antique auction of Russian and Western European art.

highest estimeyty auction house experts are assigned to two paintings - canvas Kotarbinski "Columbarium" (lot 11), canvas Alexander E. Alexander Yakovlev «hamlet at the foot of the mountain" (lot 20) and the lot containing three items - milk jug, sugar bowl and teapot Imperial Porcelain Factory (lot 141).

     Kotarbinsky VA .     Columbarium. End of XIX - early XX century Oil on canvas. 62.5 x 125 Russian enamel. 29.06.2013. Lot 11 Estimate: 2 200 000-3 000 000 Source:
   Yakovlev AE hamlet at the foot of the mountain. 1920 30th Canvas, tempera. 41.3 x 51.5 (in light) Russian enamel. 29.06.2013. Lot 20 Estimate: 950 000-1 400 000 rubles Source:

traditionally diverse section of painting and drawing, which includes more than 70 works by masters of XIX - XX centuries. Of particular note in this section deserve: drawing one of the most significant representatives of the Russian avant-garde, , «Portrait of a Man" (Lot 19), watercolor outstanding Soviet graphic artist, illustrator, master poster Vladimir Vladimir Lebedev «The girl at the piano" ( Lot 21), the painting "Flowers in vases" and "Forest" bright, original Ukrainian artist, a student of Henri Matisse Paul Gromnitskaya (lots 26 and 27), the work of the acclaimed master of Soviet painting and graphics Yuri Yuri Ivanovich Pimenov «Moscow views with lotoshnitsey "(lot 28).

     Lebedev VV The girl at the piano. 1928 Watercolor on paper. 22 x 17 Russian enamel. 29.06.2013. Lot 21 Estimate: 21 000-30 000 Source:

     PIMENOV YI Moscow view from lotoshnitsey. 1949 Paper and pencil. 19 x 25,5 Russian enamel. 29.06.2013. Lot 28 Estimate: 000-103 83 000 Source:

Among the icons at the auction must be mentioned first of all, decorated with polychrome enamel triptych "Deisus" (lot 97), and the image of St. Sergius of Radonezh (lot 98).

superb examples of Russian enamel art collected are presented in the original case coffee spoons of the masters of the company Grachev Brothers (Lot 112). Among the products of silver, of course, attention is drawn to the tray, created in 1873 by Charles Verlin (lot 113), cask wine factory JF Sapogov (lot 124), a set of cutlery in the original case the company " Nicholas and Plinke "(lot 126).

The collection included the upcoming auction has always been highly valued by collectors items of the Imperial Porcelain Factory - for example, milk jug, sugar bowl and teapot (lot 141), a cup and saucer (lot 159), vase-slop (Lot 160) , a plate of "View with a picture of Cascade near Chalet in Pavlovsk Park" (lot 140), and the works of the masters of the Imperial Glass Factory - in particular, the decanter painted in chinoiserie style (lot 150).

Plate "View with a picture of Cascade near Chalet in Pavlovsk Park." Russia, Saint-Petersburg, the Imperial Porcelain Factory, painted woodcut IV Chesky with a picture of SF Shchedrin. 1820 Porcelain, printing, painting, gilding. Diameter 24 Russian enamel. 29.06.2013. Lot 140 Estimate: 000-140 120 000 Source:

Milk jug, sugar bowl and teapot. Russia, Saint-Petersburg, the Imperial Porcelain Factory. 1855-1881 Porcelain painting, indoor, gilding Maker: Height 16.5, size 25 x 16 Sugar Bowl: Height 12, diameter 10 Milkman: height 11, size 11 x 9,5 Russian enamel. 29.06.2013. Lot 141 Estimate: 000-320 250 000 Source:

presented at auction and wonderful samples of the products of private Russian porcelain and glass industries: plates "Flowers and berries" (lot 137) and "Flowers" (lot 138) factory Popov, a cup of "View on the city islands of St. Petersburg "plant brothers Kudinovo (lot 162), a cup and saucer" Pastoral and romantic scenes "of the plant Gardner (lot 163), two pairs of tea, teapot, milk jug and slop factory" Partnership MS Kuznetsov "(lot 145), a plate of" Allegory of Spring "plant Kornilov brothers (lot 165), a decanter, made in one of the productions Maltsov (lot 152).

Plate "Flowers and berries." Russia, the village Gorbunovo Dmitrov district, Moscow province, the factory Popov. 1811-1850 Porcelain, overglaze polychrome, indoor, gilding. The diameter of 23,5 Russian enamel. 29.06.2013. Lot 137 Estimate: 35 000-45 000 Source:
cup and saucer
Cup and saucer "Pastoral and romantic scenes." Russia, Moscow Province village Verbilki plant Gardner. The first third of the nineteenth century Porcelain, overglaze painting, gold painting, gilding Cup: diameter 8.7, height 5,6 Saucer: diameter 14 Russian enamel. 29.06.2013. Lot 163 Estimate: 30 000-40 000 Source:

Traditionally, a special place is occupied by the auction items related to the history of the Russian state, the Romanov dynasty, the military history of Russia. To those include a plate with a picture of the Russian state emblem, created by the Imperial Porcelain Factory during the reign of Nicholas I (Lot 139), plaques with portraits of the Grand Duke Alexander Nikolayevich and Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna (lot 151), a plate of dinner service officer of the Life Guards Cuirassier Her Majesty Empress Maria Alexandrovna Regiment (lot 156), a cup of Gothic dinner service (lot 157), a cup and saucer from the service babigonskogo (lot 158), a cup from the service of the Farmer's Palace in Peterhof (lot 164).

Plate from the service officer of the Life Guards Cuirassier Her Majesty Empress Maria Alexandrovna Regiment. Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Imperial Porcelain Factory. 1870
Plate from the service officer of the Life Guards Cuirassier Her Majesty Empress Maria Alexandrovna Regiment. Russia, Saint-Petersburg, the Imperial Porcelain Factory. 1870 Porcelain, painted and gilded. Diameter 22 Russian enamel. 29.06.2013. Lot 156 Estimate: 70 000-85 000 Source:

Cup and saucer from "Babigonskogo" the service. Russia, Saint-Petersburg, the Imperial Porcelain Factory. 1825-1855 and 1890 Porcelain, painting, gilding, diverging pattern Cup: diameter 8, height 8 Saucer: diameter 14 Russian enamel. 29.06.2013. Lot 158 ​​ Estimate: 95 000-99 000 Source:

detail describing all the items included in the collection to be auctioned can be found in the auction catalog .

Source: House press release, "Russian enamel»

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