Art Investment

The best video art at auction for the period from June 2010 to May 2012

Another rating Artprice on one of the popular genres of the so-called "new media"



Price hammer dollars




William Kentridge

500 000

Flute Set, 2005

11.05.2011, Sotheby's New York


Nam June Paik

449 750

TV is kitsch, 1996

28.05.2011, United Asian Auctioneers Hong Kong


Bruce Nauman

320 000

good boy, bad boy, 1985

8.11.2011, Christie's New York


Bill Viola

241 650

Bowl Tears, 2005

17.02.2011, Philips de Pury, London


Bill Viola

200 000

Union, 2000

8.11.2010, Philips de Pury in New York


Qiu Zhijia

192 750

«A thousand times to write a preface to the book" Orchid Pavilion "»

5/29/2011 Christie's Hong Kong


Ray Charles

170 000

Fashion, 1996

9.11.2010, Christie's New York


William Kentridge

160 000

Learning more "Magic Flute", 2003

8.11.2011, Philips de Pury in New York


Nam June Paik

75 000

Digital Buddha (1991)

9.11.2011, Christie's New York


Tony Ousler

74 175

Multicoloured MPD (25 Head)

18.02.2011, Philips de Pury in London

William Kentridge on the background of one of his works

Video art is still perceived as a poor relation among the other genres of fine art auction houses still do not conduct individual bidding on the works at the video media, and do not consider it necessary to create for this are still a few outsider art form special units within the company (which There are, for example, photographs), and officials and ordinary people and in general are not ready to accept the work of video art as a Art . Easy ability to copy and intangible works of art in the genre of video art makes it less attractive to collectors.

genre began in the 1960s, but became widely used (due to the emergence and spread of portable cameras available installation of equipment) in 1980. Technological innovations - a double-edged sword: they move the genre forward, but also contribute to the rapid obsolescence of products.

The last time the assembly artprice published ranking of the best works of video art in history in June 2010 and then it was attended by only three names - Nam June Paik (Nam June Paik), Bill Viola (Bill Viola) and Mike Kelly (Mike Kelley). However, since then new records were set, and the 3rd and 7th lines of the general rankings were, respectively, William Kentridge (William Kentridge) and Bruce Nauman (Bruce Nauman). But while the list of champions, and filled with new names, all the same: from the video artists rarely overcomes the price barrier of $ 200 thousand.

In the first place of the current two-year ranking - William Kentridge, and the window in his magical world - work, "Setting the flute", which earned a record for the last time for video art 500 thousand dollars. Within this reduced model are projected onto the scene with the scenery of the famous scenes from Mozart's opera "The Magic Flute».

his first work of Kentridge created in 1989 and since then creates a unique style, making videos successive drawings with charcoal. The work of "Setting up the flute" in the overall ranking of the video is only the third place, and yet the pace of work Kentridge auction are growing rapidly: they increased from 720 thousand dollars to over 1.7 million between 2009 and 2011. Even though the video is not the main "product" Kentridge on the secondary market (they are sold only 5 - very small compared with 125 sold paintings), his video installations since 2005, sold at a good price - more expensive than 150 thousand dollars, while the cassette with videos - more 20 thousand dollars.

Certainly, there is no ranking of video art can not do without the founding father of the genre Nam June Paik. At present he owns a dozen second and the ninth line, which is occupied by works "TV is kitsch" with a score of 449,750 dollars, and "Digital Buddha" with a score of 75,000. Since 1959, with the work of "Magnetic TV" Nam June Paik is experimenting with video distortion caused by using a magnet. Pike is known and popular among collectors, connoisseurs around the world. Most of his works make up a lot of sculptural groups made up of the TV together, which is projected on the screens of the video. However, Pike Market is not in the best form of his 2010 price indices fell by 60 percent. An increasing number of his unsold works (now it is 12 per cent), falls to number of lots in the auction (49 in 2011 and 81 in 2010), and the number of deals with his work in 2010-2011 decreased by 53 percent. I have the feeling that the market is focused on new names.

Frequent record of different genres and techniques, Bruce Nauman entered the overall ranking the best video art just 8 November 2011, when his work is "Good boy, bad boy "brought 320,000 dollars, placing its author in the 7th place ranking, while in 2007 a copy of this video has earned only 210 thousand dollars (May 17, at auction at Christie's in New York City). 8 Naumann owned auction results of over one million dollars (mostly neon installations and wax sculpture ), but its cult video works are unlikely to soon be close to similar results - the laws of the genre.

popular author Bill Viola (Bill Viola) embarked on the path of an auction in 2002, when his work is "increment" brought to the New York Christie's auction June 27 61 000 dollars. Viola loves museums, and behind them seem to fall in love and auctions: lots of 43 to have appeared at auction in 10 years, 23 have been sold to 60 thousand dollars more expensive. But the work of Viola's "Eternal Return", at Philips de Pury auction October 14, 2006 brought 613,000 dollars, became the most expensive video in history and still holds that title. This result reinforced the Viola two recent victories, when his creations have earned 200 or more than 240 thousand dollars, respectively, a stay at the 4th and 5th places in this ranking. In contrast to the fantastic works of Nam June Paik, the works of Viola's most realistic and intimate in tone, than, probably, and attract art lovers.

Zhijia Chinese Qiu (Qiu Zhijie), quite surprisingly has recently broken through to the sixth place dozens owe it to their video "A thousand times to write a preface to the book" Orchid Pavilion "," had brought 192,000 dollars at auction at Christie's in Hong Kong May 29, 2011. In this paper, the video artist from the Middle Kingdom paid tribute to the traditional Chinese calligraphy master Wang Xi Zhi (Xi Zhi Wang), 1000 324 redrawn character of his classic work, "Preface to the" Orchid Pavilion "».

American Ray Charles (Ray Charles) is not well known outside their homeland, as his famous namesake, the musician, and most of his work is sold in the New World. On the main occupation sculptor, Charles has three auction results of over a million dollars in this genre. In our rating got his work "Fashion" - a kind of "living picture", which earned 170,000 dollars, was on the 7th place of tens.

frighteningly ironic Ouslera of Tony (Tony Ousler) examine our relationship with the world media, drugs, mental disorders, obsessive-compulsive modern consumerism - that is, all the major "plagues" of our time. Ousler considered a pioneer of this unique genre as videoskulptura, and to his credit that he brought the video off the screen by connecting with a variety of subjects. However, the market it is not very well developed: the artist at auction debut for the genre of the video looked quite promising (23,000 dollars on the New York auction at Christie's in 1998), but over the next 14 years, most of the sales of his works took place at the cost of video installations 10-40 thousand dollars, and only 9 works to overcome these limits. These included video installation of 25 spherical screens with fancy name Multicoloured MPD (25 Head), with a score of 74,000 dollars has got to the 10th slot on the list.

And although the overall market for video art develops slowly and with great difficulty (the share of new media, only a small part of which is video art in the contemporary art market turnover is less than 1 percent), there is a rare and pleasing to the heart of the experts are exceptions. And at the dawn of the era of social networking and the Internet and does Artprice predicts a great future of the genre and the key role in the "dematerialization" of art, which, in turn, can have a decisive influence on the revolutionary changes in the art market as a whole.

But as now appears, with the latest records, the highest rating of the auction results of video works for the entire auction history of the genre:




Price hammer dollars



Bill Viola

Eternal Return (2000)

613,6 thousand

Phillips de Pury, London, October 14, 2006


Nam June Paik

Wright Brothers (1995)

540,1 thousand

Christie's, Hong Kong, November 25, 2007


William Kentridge

Flute Set (2005)

500 000

Sotheby's, New York, May 11, 2011


Bill Viola

Witness (2001)

500 000

Sotheby's, New York, 15 November 2007


Bill Viola

Captivity (2001)

421,8 thousand

Sotheby's, London, February 10, 2010


Bill Viola

Witness (2001)

320 000

Christie's, New York, November 8, 2005


Bruce Nauman

Good Boy Bad Boy (1985)

320 000

Christie's, New York, November 8, 2011


Nam June Paik

Rocket on the virtual Venus (1991)

308,16 thousand

Christie's, Hong Kong, May 29, 2010


Nam June Paik

Little Buddha (2001)

293,9 thousand

Christie's, Hong Kong, May 27, 2007


Bill Viola

Return (2008)

280 000

Sotheby's, New York, February 14, 2008

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

Source : ,

On the topic see also:
Video art on the art market
The most expensive video works
Contemporary art market in the figures. Part II

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