Art Investment

June 6 in New York will auction of works by old masters Christie's

Before the buyers brought works from private collections, and collections of famous museums of famous masters of the brush

Peter Paul Rubens
The Adoration of the Magi. Sketch
board, oil

June 6, 2012 in New York held an auction of Old Masters Christie's. At the auction will feature works from private collections and museums, have not been appearing on the market. One of the most interesting lots auction promises to be a masterpiece of the XVI century, the work of the High Renaissance master Girolamo Romanino (Girolamo Romanino) «Carrying the Cross "(estimate: 2.5-3.5 million) .

total attention of buyers will be offered to about 100 works of the great French, Italian, Flemish, Dutch and British masters of the XV - XIX centuries, such as Peter Paul Rubens (Peter Paul Rubens), Robert Hubert (Hubert Robert), Jan Brueghel the Elder (Jan Brueghel I), as well as his brother Pieter Brueghel the Younger (Piter Brueghel II). It is expected that trading will bring more than $ 10 million.

event of the evening will be the appearance of several works in the auction for many years hidden from public eye in private collections, such as a sketch in oil on board by Peter Paul Rubens' " Adoration of the Magi "(estimate of 0.5-1 million dollars). This work was created as preparatory to the altar compositions for the monastery of the Annunciation in Brussels, which later belonged to Louis XIV, and now in the Louvre. The plot is often said Rubens on his canvases, and the recently discovered this little sketch - an important trait to the overall picture of the master. Another work by Rubens, which will appear at auction June 6 - "Portrait of Ferdinando Gonzaga in his childhood," which depicts the future Duke of Mantua (estimate 500-700 thousand dollars).

number of papers that appear at auction, as already noted, are collections of leading museums in the United States, they are sold to raise money for new acquisitions. In this series of works include two paintings by the famous French landscape painter of the XVIII century Hubert Robert, "The Ruins" and "Old Bridge" (estimate: 0.8-1.2 million per couple) from the collection of the Metropolitan. Also Metropolitan Museum to Auction Two works by Pieter Brueghel the Younger with an estimate of 250-350 thousand 200-300 thousand dollars.

At the auction, and will work from the collections of the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Fine San Francisco Arts and the Museum of Fine Arts District of Los Angeles (LACMA).

Promise to attract the attention of connoisseurs of the big three major Spanish artists, including paintings by Francisco Zurbarán (Francisco Zurbaran) « Plat of Veronica "(estimate 250-350 thousand dollars) and the recently restored and attributed the master work" The Archangel Michael defeating the devil "(estimate 150-200 thousand dollars).

Material Maria prepared Estrova, AI

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