Art Investment

The auction, at the "Gelos"

March 1-3 in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be the most status in this year's auction, antique auction house "Gelos"

1-3 March in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be the most status in this year's auction, antique auction house "Gelos».

Total trades exhibited more than 1,000 items, among which there are real curiosities - antiquities and art collector's high-value, worthy of museum collections, beautiful examples of decorative art from different periods and styles, and unique jewelry. The total estimate of auction - more than five million dollars.

Among the top lots - lifetime list of "Woe from Wit" autographed Griboedov; this manuscript survives, having been deposited in the collections of several prominent owners. Initially, according to the dedicatory inscription on the title of "C. Lyapunov exponents of Op. "Left behind by Alexander Sergeyevich, the book belonged to one of the representatives of the well-known noble family of the Ryazan province, leading its history since the XVI century. Most of the second half of XIX century, the book was kept in archival collections province, including the home of a famous historian of the Ryazan region, Stepan Dmitrievich Yakhontova, and after the revolution has changed many owners, and storage. Despite the rather detailed provenance, the main value of this list is just the author's autograph on the title page.

Griboyedov A. Woe from Wit. List 1824 with an autograph
Estimate: 250 000 rubles and more
Source : Press Release auction house "Gelos»

can attract attention of the public in his lifetime edition of the "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" by Nikolai Gogol - this edition of the famous eulogy honored with a review of Alexander Pushkin in one of the rooms, "Contemporary" in 1836.
In the coming auction will feature items most famous jewelry brand of pre-revolutionary Russia - the Faberge. Without it, the name is difficult to imagine any antique auction is a high level. This year's auction of Russian Icons of one of the top lots is an icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, dating from the first third of the XVII century, the salary for which, decorated with eight sapphires, cabochons, was performed in the early twentieth century Faberge workshops.

Ikona icon "Our Lady of Vladimir»
Silver salary Faberge
Estimate: 2 million rubles or more
Source: press release of the auction house "Gelos"

image of Our Lady of Vladimir, whose history dates back to the New Testament events (according to legend, the first time it was written by St. Luke), - this is one of the most revered images of the Russian Church, venerated miraculous. This item has a museum, historical and cultural significance to the highest jewelry and artistic features.

Another brilliant lot - a table clock, manufactured in the early twentieth century, the leading master of Faberge Henrik Vigstrema. The body clock is decorated with guilloche enamel saturated blue and studded with pearls. The interior clock has been used ivory (from back plate made it hours) and clock mechanism is made in a factory Moser.

Clocks in a silver casing Faberge
Estimate: 1.5 million rubles and more
Source: press release of the auction house "Gelos»

Those hours in 1909 were awarded to Belarusian Hussar Colonel Peter Sukovkinu for winning the race .

Another unique item - a set of items from the last great the service of the Imperial Porcelain Factory, made in a single copy specifically for the residence at Tsarskoye Selo, also known as Purple service. The service was to consist of more than a thousand objects, it consisted of five types of plates, salad bowls, cups and saucers. author of the service became an artist, E. J. Kramer, who led a 1903 workshop of the plant. Research and development in the service of purple, also known as Tsarskoye Selo, were not completed due to the outbreak of World War II.

three deep, three flat and three dessert plates
Imperial Porcelain Factory
Estimate: 175-235 thousand rubles
Source: Press release of the auction house "Gelos»

Tablespoon topic worthy of continued silver tea and coffee service of the seven items weighing just over two pounds, made in 1893 a court in a factory distributor of Paul Akimov Ovchinnikov.

Chayno-kofeyny tea and coffee service
Factory Ovchinnikov
Estimate: 300 000 rubles
Source: press release of the auction house "Gelos»

At Numismatic Auction bidding is expected for two rare gold coins in denominations of 10 rubles. eldest of them - 10 rubles 1762, issued during the reign of Peter III. rarity of gold coins with the profile of this emperor is due to the historical fact that during all activities to destroy the memory of its gold coins minted with this type of portrait of ousted his wife - Catherine II.

gold coin of 10 rubles in 1762 with a portrait of Peter III
Estimate: 1.4-1.8 million rubles
Source: Press Release the auction house "Gelos»
Source: Press Release auction house "Gelos»

Second prize - a gold 10 rubles in 1804, minted during the reign of Alexander I, after his father abandoning the tradition of minting profile on the obverse. This coin is very rare: in the collection of the Historical Museum of the coin is presented in a single copy.

gold coin of 10 Rubles 1804
Estimate: 1.4-1.8 million rubles
Source: press release of the auction house "Gelos"

most striking of the top lots in the auction of painting - landscape brush Petr Vereshchagin «Stone Pillars", written around 1875-1880, and belongs to the Ural series of the artist.

Stone Pillars. 1875-1880
Oil on canvas
Estimate: 6-10 million rubles
Source: press release of the auction house "Gelos»

Among the household items and interior stands out Chinese decorative vase, dating from the Qianlong period of the brand - a period of government from 1736 to 1796 the Emperor Aysingero Hongli. The style of carving a vase is determined by the time the second half of XVIII century. The vase is made up of four parts, made of ivory, adorned with carved its surface plot images of differing detail and craftsmanship - this object has been created in the imperial workshops, as evidenced in the same way as the question of dates, acts mark. Similar vases are represented in the collection of the British Museum in London, however, put up for auction a vase, is earlier in time manufacturing, greater in size and has a more complex work.

Dekorativnaya Decorative vase with lid
Estimate: 2.5 million rubles and more
Source: press release of the auction house "Gelos»

Source : Press Release auction house "Gelos»

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