Art Investment

The big day book auction in Moscow

On Saturday, October 15, the auction house "Kabinet" magazine and a bibliophile, "About Books" had the antiquarian book auction

On Saturday, October 15, were once two auctions of similar subjects. At 12 pm, the auction house "Cabinet" (CHA) has scheduled the opening of trading № 7 (33) "Old and rare books, maps, prints", and 15 hours of onset of action, "antiquarian books, manuscripts, historical papers, autographs and photos» organized by the magazine "About Books" (hotel "National »).

managed to visit both. At each attended by approximately 30-40 people. And some people, like I was at both auctions, but they were themselves in different ways. At the auction, "the Cabinet" actively participated in the auction hall in person 8-10, and got the impression (for me, at least) that the others were observers, like me. It turned out wrong: man 5-6, moved up with me for a second auction of the observers become active buyers.

But let's order.

Auction House" Kabinet "" Old and rare books, maps, prints »

Section « Antique rare books XVIII - XX centuries » was proposed 178 lots, sold 55, ie about 30 percent. Among them: the hall bought Lot 33, and 9 with a good bargain, 8 lots purchased by telephone, 14 have gone on absentee rates.

Several lots were the subject of bargaining, in which both participated in several men in the room, telephones and correspondence rate, here are some of them:
1. Lot number 189. Primeval Bruce calendar from the beginning of its first release in life with a portrait of Bruce and Bruce's biography of the graph. Kharkov, T. Rosinskiy edition, 1875. Estimate: 95-105 thousand. Price auction: 110 thousand rubles.

Primeval Bruce calendar ... Lot number 189

2. Lot number 191. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin . The novel in verse of Pushkin. Revision of PA Ephraim. Third Edition J. Isakov. SPb., printing and AV Bezobrazoff K °, 1875. Estimate 85-95 thousand rubles.

price rose to 140 thousand rubles. Among traded was agent friend of mine - he came just for this book on behalf of the very poor are not the client (name I will not believe in the word). However, the client have severely limits the fight and lost as a result.

Pushkin, Eugene Onegin. Lot number 191

3. Lot number 276. «Hyperborean» № 1-10 . Monthly poetry and criticism. St Petersburg., Typography A. Masfelda, 1912-1913. Estimate: 70-85 thousand rubles.

actively traded in the hall, and by phone. The result - 130 rubles, the winner took part in the auction by telephone.

Hyperborean. № 1-10. Lot number 276

4. Funny bargain with the final three-fold excess of estimate was played for the lexical and phraseological dictionary-reference book "Slang criminals", released in 1979, the editorial and publishing department of Ministry of Internal Affairs of USSR for official use only ( Lot number 349). put up for sale with an estimate 4,8-5,5 thousand rubles book was sold for 13 thousand rubles stormy applause. Sorry, the winner only heard them on the phone.

Burica VI Shelestyuk VG Jargon offenders. Lot number 349

In Thongs «Children's Book" of the 33 lots have bought 12 of them 7 - an auction in the hall.

battle turned in a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen "The Steadfast Tin Soldier," published in Moscow in 1923 (lot number 149). The starting price (it is the lower bound estimate 1 200-1 500 rubles) was ultimately exceeded five and a half times, and the lot was sold for 8500 rubles - again, party orders over the phone.

Hans Andersen The Steadfast Tin Soldier. Lot number 149

next string - «maps, engravings, postcards, printed graphics» .

from 92 lots sold, 32 of them with three trades in the hall. Especially bargained for engraving by Bernard Picard, "The instruments used for circumcision" (item number 38) and exposed with an estimate 7-8 thousand rubles. A few people in the room and caught up on the phones price up to 14 thousand rubles; party won again on the phone.

Bernard Picard. The instruments used for circumcision. Engraving. Lot number 38

String «Drawings, models, book illustrations ».

Of the 38 lots bought 10, trading was not. I would like to mention drawings selling Anatoly Zverev for the same price of 55 rubles each. All three pictures - "The genius of Gogol's", "Gogol near the tree" and "Nikolai Gogol" - made in ink, with the same exhibited estimeytami, 62-75 thousand rubles, and left without any haggling in one hand.

Anatoly Zverev
genius of Gogol. Lot number 105
Anatoly Zverev
Gogol near a tree. Lot number 106
< div class = "imgcenter"> Anatoly Zverev
Gogol. Lot number 107

Auction magazine bibliophiles "About Books" "antiquarian books, manuscripts, historical papers, photographs and autographs," < /strong>

total proposed 392 lots. The hall was full, and some even standing, and the observers were very few, people came to buy and actively did so. All bidders knew exactly they wanted, the emotions were present, but prudent behavior clearly prevailed.

String «Rare books on Russian history. History of the War of 1812».

Of the 65 lots sold in 42, 15 lots were bought at auction in the hall, 21 Lot bought by the participants, orders over the phone, and 6 lots have changed owners in absentee rates.

From not bought into this Thong attention is drawn to item number 4. Michael-Danilevsky, AI Emperor Alexander I and his associates in 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815 . Military Gallery Winter Palace, published with the permission of the Supreme and dedicated to His Imperial Majesty the Emperor. Lives of the works of Lieutenant General Michael A.-Danilevskii. Portraits from the originals by artists of Paris Dov draw Gyuo and Dole. Mezhevich Edition V. and VI Pesotsky. B6 vols 1-6. SPb.: Type. Charles Edge, 1845-1849.

Start shestitomnika was not small - 1.8 million rubles, but the edition is very rare. < /p>

Military Gallery of the Winter Palace, ... Lot number 4

Excess starting prices by 30-40 percent, and sometimes twice - a standard result of this tender string. But sometimes the price of a hammer and rendered in 3 and 4 times higher than the start. For example, lot number 13 «Russian life in the era of World War II. Exhibition of Prints and Drawings », displayed with an estimate 12-15 thousand rubles, was sold for 40 thousand, more than three times higher than the start.

Russian life in the era of World War II. Lot number 13

During the struggle for lot number 23 «Highest of His Imperial Majesty manifesto of abdication by His Imperial Highness the Tsarevich and Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich of his reign, and the accession to the Imperial throne of His Majesty the Emperor Nicholas I-th, in St. Petersburg this 12th day of December 1825 », started with the lower bound estimate (10-12 rubles), the hammer price reached 42 thousand rubles; defeated party, traded at the phone.

« Highest of His Imperial Majesty the Manifesto .... " Lot number 23

A lot number 53 "Petrograd Telegram reports. The abdication of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, from the throne "left with a fourfold excess of the upper estimate: pre-estimated at 3-4 thousand rubles, he was sold for 16 thousand rubles.

« Telegram Petrograd agency .... "Lot number 53

String «Debuts Russian writers XIX - XX centuries. and rare lifetime editions of Russian classics. Fiction» .

Of the 74 lots that sold thongs 45, including 18 lots bought in the hall of the participants, 14 of them with a good bargain, 7 won lots of parties, a seller on the phone, and as many as 20 lots were parties that made the bid in absentia. < /p>

heavily traded for two lots, each of which, as noted by the organizers, perhaps an indication first appearance in print of poems by Alexander Blok. Both titles came in 1903, but about who of them saw the light earlier, experts argue, so that "the question of the first statement in the press of A. Blok still remains open." The March, 1903, issue of "New Way" (item number 75), starting from 30 000 rubles Prices had risen to 80 000 hammer and the "Literary and Art Collection: Poems of students of the Imperial University, edited by SPB B. Nicholas and academics pictures of the Imperial Academy of Arts, edited by I. Repin" (item number 76) with the same starting left for 85 thousand rubles. In both cases, the distance bet won, although they traded for a few people from the audience and by telephone.

String «Original and printed graphics . Posters ».

Of the 27 lots sold was only 5, and almost all the buyers were in the room. Even the portraits of Stalin did not cause any interest at present.

But not everything is so boring, or, rather, simply, for a lot of soul bargaining. Those who want to buy a poster artist Ivanov « Stalin - thank you!» (Lot number 160) with the estimate 10.9 thousand rubles drove the price up to 18 thousand. trade all the distance rate, phone number and a few people in the hall; won distance rate.

String « Photos of literature, art and politics XIX-XX centuries ».

Of the 45 lots sold 18. However, in this thong all the portraits of Stalin sold out starter for 12 thousands of rubles. On what basis or not to initiate trading in the hall for the lots, I could not understand. For example, lot number 191 « photograph of two bibliophiles - PF and EF Pashnova Tsipelzona with inscription on the back, "exhibited with an estimate 1.5-2 thousand rubles, grew from the start to 1.5 thousand to 10 thousand. haggled a few people in the audience and by telephone. For connoisseurs, this picture was more interesting than, for example, sold an autographed photo of Rear Admiral I. Papanin in uniform and awards (lot number 193).

From the records in this thong lots - № 197 and № 199. Lot number 197 - it 18 pictures Vysotsky concerts ; estimate 15-16 thousand, bought for 32 000. But just 4 photos from the funeral Vysotsky (lot number 199) gave 38 000 rubles, 5.5 times higher than the estimate. Why was the death of more interesting life?

String «bibliology, bibliography, history of bookplates, art catalogs. Literature» .

Of the 37 lots sold 22. Actively traded for «Bibliographic news about rare books» - a collection of detailed descriptions of book rarities compiled by bookseller, publisher and bibliographer P. A. Kartavovym (lot number 218) from about 2 thousand rubles starting price has risen to 11 thousand rubles.

Edition-Union Book Chamber «Russian literary anthologies and collections of XVIII - XIX centuries . », prepared by N. Smirnov-Sokolsky and endowed with his own inscription VB Shklovskii (lot number 242) was exposed with an estimate 3-3.5 thousand rubles, and the start of the lower bound estimate. A few people in the room reached 16 000, then fought two, and eventually a book in 1956 sold for 34,000 rubles.

Notes Knigolub P. Berkov "about people and books," with a gift inscription of the author bibliophiles EF Tsipelzonu (lot number 249) were in the middle of this confrontation: starting from 500 rubles price rose to 7000 (14 times!). again beat all: Hall, phone and absentee bid, telephone defeated. < /p>

In Thongs «A rare children's book» of the 23 lots were sold 9, without bidding, within the stated estimate. But with one exception.

< p class = "mat1"> One of the rare instances of "Primer Red" (1921), written and drawn by DS Moore (lot number 254) was offered with an estimate of 150-200 thousand rubles, and start at the lower estimate. Again, all trading , for all channels of communication; defeated party in the hall, who paid 300 thousand rubles.
At the same time not cause interest to paint pictures "Work" (lot number 256) and "Country Labor" (lot number 257), drawn not someone, and Boris Kustodiev (lot number 256). with an estimate of 80-120 thousand rubles such publications appear on the market every 10 years.

In Thongs « Picture Book . The Russian cover and its artists »of 15 lots sold in 8, all within the estimate. Note that not found a buyer for a rare" Russian art piece, published with the permission of the Supreme Basil Timm "(lot number 278), previously estimated by experts in the 0.8-1 million rubles.

In Thongs «Revolution in 1905 devoted ... The revolutionary satirical press 1905-1906» nothing unusual had happened, if except that of the 22 lots offered sold ... everything! Almost all the lots - and this magazine or similar publication - were exhibited with an estimate of the average 1-2 thousand rubles, and left with a twofold excess of the launch.

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