Art Investment

Auction at the home of "Gelos" will be held on February 25-26

At the auction will be presented to the full range of ancient art: painting, silver, jewelry, coins, icons, weapons and much more

25-26 February antiquarian, auction house Gelos "Auction conducts year, the auction will be presented to the full range of ancient art: painting, silver, jewelry, coins, icons, weapons and much more - just over 800 lots. Main events are expected to auction for a second day of trading - 26 February.

undisputed top lot of upcoming auction - a letter of Napoleon Bonaparte to his wife Josephine. The letter was written June 8, 1796, when Napoleon (then commander of the Italian army) was in Milan at the head of his troops.

This hot letter accuses Napoleon Josephine cooling her feelings to him: "When you write to me, your style is never filled with deep feeling. Your love for me has been empty caprice. You do feel that it would be funny if it captivated your heart. I think you made your choice and you know who to turn to to replace me ».

Legendary ambition of Napoleon faded before parting with Josephine:" I never believed in luck. All the days of death hovering over me. Life - is it worth it to raise because of her so much noise ?!... Glory was attractive to my heart because she is nice and you flattered your ego ».

According to the recollections of people who surrounded him during the Italian campaign, Napoleon could not keep quiet about his passion and often told friends about it. Letters to Josephine, he always carried with him a few times a day read them.

letter is put up for auction "Gelos". That was in 2006. Then it went under the hammer for 120,000 dollars. Five years later, a letter again excites the minds of collectors and all who are interested in the era of Napoleon. "These are the items set new price level and form a new milestone in the development of the art market" - says the next president of the auction auction house Gelos "Oleg Stetsyura.

in 2008 at auction Christie's another love letter from Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine sold for 276,000 pounds. This amount surpassed the wildest expectations of the organizers of the auction. Experts believed that the document will take no more than 50 thousand pounds.

Among other rarities, which is rich conducted "Gelos" Auction of the year, stands written in

is noteworthy that during the recent "Russian Week" (in November 2010 at Sotheby's auction in London) portrait of the artist's wife Mary Alekseevny Makovsky was sold for 241,000 pounds (12 million). Both the portrait - the same size, they are performed in a similar manner, so "Gelos" expect a repetition of the London result.

should certainly pay attention to the "storm of the rocky coast»

«Covert» Ivan Shishkin was written in the Finnish coast in the town of Mary-Hovya where Shishkin spent the summer of 1889. In the same year was created by the legendary "Morning in a Pine Forest" (THG). Both works are closely linked. The starting price "depths of the forest" - 4 million rubles.

real event promises to be a sale icon "Holy Family". It was painted in Palekh in the late XIX century by order of Alexander Fedorovich Kudryavtseva. By the end of 1870 an old merchant family Kudryavtsev has several factories, among which was a major confectionery company. Alexander F. took care of Holy Trinity Church on the dirt and ordered the icon to its central aisle, or his family.

Source: press release auction house Gelos "

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